Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 3,999 replies, has 1,425 voice, and was last updated by  cr2w 3 days, 14 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #889745


      My Suggestion: be able to upgrade rooms to make them a bigger size or sell them for half price! Also be able to move the rooms in your pets house around, making houses easier to customize!

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      • #891340


        Ooo, yeah good ideas! I’d love to be able to move rooms around, and upgrade some!

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    2. #889743


      Hi! I think a good idea for your pets house is that you should be able to upgrade your rooms to a bigger size (I have so many random small rooms that I never use) or be able to sell a room for 3/4 of what you payed originally. I also think you should be able to move your rooms around and not just be stuck in one place so you’d have more options to customize your pets house.

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      • #890124


        Hello rblevins98! I agree with your idea. Webkinz made it so we could customize the names for our rooms, and change the wallpaper and flooring, but no option for upgrading the rooms or moving them to create the ultimate home. Another thing I will like to add to this will include the option to customize “My Page” again. I have not been able to update my information, using the icons. I am only able to view a brown box with “Fragile” on the side, instead of the icon that I want to display. This is really sad, especially since I am a Deluxe Member! (If I pay for this online service, I should be able to customize all aspects of the game, including those we have access too).

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      • #891813


        how about rooftops, basements or decks or make a river or a lake near the house

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    3. #889702

      I think that items should have lower prices, because some things are just ridiculous. Also, there should be another place where you can earn easy Kinzcash, like maybe another version of Quizzie’s but with random fun facts instead of educational? That way we could have educational questions and also fun facts to learn. Also, I think you should bring back Vacation Island to all members! I miss it so much and I don’t want to get Deluxe..also you should bring back the spa that was at the travel agency! That was so cool! :)

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    4. #889700


      I have a BIG Suggestion Gennelle Webkinz. What about if you created a new COMPITION!!!!!! Seriously like the create a pet COMPITION except you create a drawing of what pet you want to be in the W-Shop! If you win you get it for FREE!!!! You should seriously think about it. – Weird Idea Thinker

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      • #891968


        lol we already HAD a design a dog contest-like you just said! :P

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    5. #889696


      Please please please can you make the vacation island for everyone not just deluxe again, i really miss Debby dragon and my pets could really use a trip to the spa again PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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      • #891164


        Yeah i agree. I have Deluxe and I would understand if they still let deluxe in free. But I think that full members should be able to pay the price if they do really want to go to spa or Vacation Island. I would understand if free members will not be able to get in but full members deserve some happiness and love

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        • #891814


          I agree to, I miss don’t rock the boat

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