Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 20 hours, 16 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #891147

      What has happened to the hourly activities. We don’t get them in the eveining any more. Can you please bring them back and please remember that when it is 10 pm in the east it is only 7 pm in the west. As it is we don’t get a lot of things as this program is on eastern time. Thanks

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    2. #891140


      wouldn’t it be cool if you could send pets through kinzpost?

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    3. #891127


      I was just wondering if you could PLEASE make more of the Webkinz pet of the month videos!!!! I love them so much and I want to see more! I love the amazing prizes and it makes me sad since I seen all the videos about a gazillion times! PLEASE make more! From, Some desperate person…

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    4. #891059


      i have loads of ideas for plushies, but the main one i thought of are: debbie dragon even though shes sorta retired, chef gazpacho, and fluffington. also i would love too see every plush have a holiday version XD i also would like to see a plain black, grey and white flooring that match the new wall paints.

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      • #891124


        I like that idea! Another idea that I had was to have real-life plushies of Webkinz characters, instead of just virtual ones! Each plush could come with a Feature Code that can unlock a special item that has to do with that character. (I also said this somewhere else on the thread, but it got positively buried under 11 pages of comments within a day! Crazy, huh? XD)

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    5. #891021


      Hey webkinz! I think you should totally bring back the surprise boxes! They had the BEST prizes! I also think you should reveal the feather light shoes clothing recipe. I really want those EPIC shoes!!!

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