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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 17 hours, 24 minutes ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #891653


      I would like an Australian Shepherd, A mane coon cat, A Spotted Chihuahua, A Great Dane, an Arctic Wolf, A graffiti puppy, and A mustache puppy. I know they made a mustache Dach but, a puppy is honestly what I was expecting. Just all white with black mustaches all around. :)

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      • #892289


        I love your idea for the Arctic Wolf! I had a similar idea for a White Wolf. I really want one to be made!!!

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      • #892294

        A Graffiti Puppy is a great idea! ***MidnightQueen***

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    2. #891515


      I would enjoy it if you made a Canadian puppy or Canadian kitty webkinz i would love it THANKS!

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    3. #891504

      I have a suggestion! I have been playing a game/app called “Life Of Black Tiger”, and I think Ganz should make a black tiger! According to what I have read, black tigers are real, but very rare. Plus, Ganz just recently retired the white tiger, so I think we should have a black one. Who agrees with me?! ***MidnightQueen***

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      • #891645


        Well, black tigers kind of fit under the “black panther” category, as black panthers are just big cats that exhibit melanism (and not a species in their own right). Hate to be nitpicky, but the idea’s already been done. Fortunately, there are thousands of animals out there just waiting to be made into a Webkinz! Like axolotls. They’re adorable and amazing and my favorite animal and I love them AAAH. The best part is that they stay in their larval form for their entire life, so they’re pretty much BABIES FOREVER. They also have cute little gill-protrusions coming out of their faces! You can’t go wrong with gill-protrusions.

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        • #891721


          OH MY GOODNESS YOU TOO?! I want an axolotl Webkinz!!! And they even smile. Those little guys are sooooo cute!!! I’m just not sure what color. Probably pink since most axolotl plushes are pink. I tried to draw a Webkinz axolotl once. Didn’t turn out so great.

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          • #891753


            YES THEY ARE THE SQUISHIEST WIDDLE AMPHIBIANS AWWW *speech devolves into meaningless baby-talk* I love their little puffy-faced smiles, they’re so awesome. Axolotls are my favorite animals ever (along with tarsiers. Tarsiers will always hold a special place in my heart.) And yeah, it seems like most depictions of axolotls use the white coloring (even though they’re more commonly dark with speckles in the wild, but whatever). I personally think that all axolotl colors are BEAUTIFUL AND MAJESTIC. Although I did see one that looked kind of greenish with speckles, and that was really cool-looking.

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        • #891815

          According to what I have read, white tigers aren’t a different subspecies of tiger either, they are just a rare color of Bengal tiger. If Ganz made a white tiger, why not a black one? Besides, panthers and tigers are not the same animal! According to what I have read (I read a lot), panthers are actually leopards! And leopards are definitely not tigers! So, if Ganz can make a panther and white tiger, then they can certainly make a black tiger! ***MidnightQueen***

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          • #892033


            I know that black panthers are leopards and jaguars; that’s why I said “kind of”, because I meant that they would end up looking like one and the same. I guess the black tiger could be sleeker though, since the panther we have now is kind of fluffy-looking (not hat I have a problem with that). And I’m really sorry about the axolotl comment; I didn’t expect so many replies. Sorry for taking your thunder. >M<. Ack, I feel like I keep on messing your stuff up aaaahh but I'm not trying to, I swear! I just wanted to be friendly. D:

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            • #892121

              It’s ok Fracktail! You are a very friendly person from what I gather! I would love to be your friend on Webkinz World! My WW username is jrflores. ***MidnightQueen***

            • #892242


              Whew, I’m glad we’re okay. I hate conflict so I’m glad we can be friends! My username is pinkpigpigpig. Now I can do stuff with you on Webkinz! LIKE LOSE AT GAMES. Especially checkers. The thing with me and checkers is that I tend to guard the pieces in the back with my life, so I end up sacrificing a whole bunch of other pieces just to avoid moving those. Oops!

      • #891659


        That’s a great idea for a pet.

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    4. #891348


      Got a new idea. Why don’t we have a search bar for the W Shop and dock? I’m always trying to find items and I have trouble with the new store, and if I could just search for it, without having to look through everything, that would be great! And it would be cool for the dock, too, because some people have like a ton of items, and sometimes you need something for a challenge, and it costs like 1,000 kinzcash, and you’re not sure if you already have it, so you look through the entire dock, but if you have a search bar, then it would be great! Also, if you buy something that you do already have, and you try to find it, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT A SEARCH BAR! IT TAKES FOREVER! Btw, I love the baby-kinz idea. So cute! Also, people, please friend me! My username is teamcute.

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      • #891476


        That would be EPIC!!!!

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    5. #891338


      I was pretty disappointed today, when I finally had the chance to attend a party, and it turned out it was on KinzChatPlus, so I get told I’m banned due to inappropriate behaviour (which can’t be true as I’ve never been on KCP). I don’t mind not having access, as a non-paying customer, but maybe there should be an exception for parties? Or at least make it known on the invitation, so you can decline in advance… Also, I’ve noticed that the chat options for trading could be tweaked to sound a bit nicer ;) Like “Do you have any ___” should be an option, and “I’m sorry, I don’t have that.”

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      • #891481


        Yeah, I’ve always been bothered by the KinzChat options when trading, but mostly because I’m a big mushyhead who’s afraid of hurting everyone’s feelings. Most of the options say “I want ____”, which sounds kind of rude but I guess it’s for the better since it’s more straightforward than “Okay, so I don’t mean to be rude, but do you happen to have any of ___?”, which would probably be what I would say in that situation anyways. I admit it, I’m a pushover.

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