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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #892724

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone. 5

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    2. #892710


      I have some room theme ideas. #1. Neon Paw print #2. Some sort of Webkinz Superhero #3 Space (maybe a space shuttle bed and stuff like that #4 Traveler ( for decor, hollywood sign, a famous bridge, photos, camera bed, flags) #5 Circus #6 Science/Math/Inventor room ( a room for intelligent and sophisticated webkinz.) #7 Music room ( music stand trophy stand, music note bed, etc.) #8 Candy theme #9 Sailing room. Hope you like them!

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      • #894334


        I think half of them already exist.

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    3. #892470

      Recently I have looked at the items gallery and have realized how much I have missed. It is pretty depressing. I think that ganz should bring back all of the different items and themes next year, so as to give the people who missed them a chance. These items would be like Christmas trees, winterfest items, and valentine’s day items. It would include others too. I understand though if this is not possible to do and forgive. Thank you. Also I would like to suggest that a monstrous minotaur be made. It would be super cool. To add to that the munchkin cat is a really good idea. They are really cute. Thank you for considering my ideas.

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      • #892516


        A minotaur would be awesome! A centaur puppy would be cool too (since a plain centaur would be weird XD). Or a faun, if six legs looks too awkward. Or a hippocampus! (Not the real kind, but the mythological one that’s like a horse-mermaid. Geddit? Sea horse??? Ahahahaha I should really be doing something productive right now.)

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    4. #892460


      I like that idea, but they would probably charge more, plus if you were to send a package, you couldn’t send it to more than one person because unless you put three of the same thing because you can’t split it. Hopefully you know what I mean. For letters, my suggestion was maybe like the Webkinz Studio, you can type your own letter, but with the words they approve of. I don’t knw about you, but no offense Ganz but I want to create my own letter and say what I think is good for it. For example, there are not Holiday letters you can send, at least I don’t think. ( I haven’t sent anything in a while.) Another example is maybe if it is my friends birthday or my friend’s webkinz birthday, I would like to customize the cards myself. Hope you like my suggestion.

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      • #893955

        I would love to be able to type letters too, but like the Forums, Ganz would probably want to moderate everything that was sent. Take room naming and the Webkinz Studio for example: you can type what you want to say there, but at least in the Webkinz Studio, there are some words that you can’t use. Even with the filters though, there is always a way to get around them, and then if something bad gets across and someone reports it, then Ganz has a big mess on their hands. I believe that there used to not be moderators on Webkinz Newz either, at least not that I know of, but because some people might misuse the system, Ganz has to have moderators to filter stuff out. I think the moderator team is probably an actual group of people, because they can catch stuff that the computer filters might miss. ***MidnightQueen***

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        • #896041


          I think the filters in the studio are entirely unnecessary. Nobody except the creator can see the finished movies, and yet the dictionary is ridiculously restrictive; heck, you can’t even say “hurt”. Now, I understand where that’s coming from, but that seems like a really farfetched thing to censor, especially for something that nobody is capable of seeing. That’s just my two cents. (Also, I much prefer having human moderators because computer moderators generally won’t understand context clues so they end up being really strict and that’s no good)

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    5. #892450

      Does anyone else find it irksome that there are some items you can’t get rid of in Webkinz World? For example, anything you buy from the estore or win in certain challenges “cannot be sold, traded, or sent through Kinzpost” in order to “give them the best possible protection” (quoted from the Webkinz Guide). The problem with this is that some of these items are quite unattractive–for example, the Mayor’s hat I won from the Key to Kinzville challenge. It didn’t look good on any of my webkinz, but I had absolutely no way of getting rid of it! What I propose is a remedy to that. Please, Webkinz World, institute some way to dispose of these unwanted items; even a “garbage can” idea would be better than nothing. What do the rest of you think?

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      • #892512


        I think that if they’re going to implement a feature like that, then you should be able to get a full refund in Estore points. That way, people who bought the items with real money won’t have wasted it. That would also help if someone’s account gets hacked, since the offender could potentially delete all your items, or send them to their account (if that also became a feature) without paying any money.

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