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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 9 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #896409


      I would love to be able to move the location of the doors in my house! They seem to kind of get in the way for me. Usually I just put furniture over it if it’ll cover the whole door. Off topic, but does anyone else think the candy cane fireplace is absolutely huge!

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    2. #896044


      I personally don’t like the rating system in the Share Center. It doesn’t really help anyone; it’s just there. It’s not something to get feedback from, since there’s no way for people to give constructive criticism to support their rating. I’d much rather have a comments system; I don’t want to know if my art is bad or not, I want to know why it’s bad and how I can make it better. The 1-10 rating system only tells people if their artwork is “good” or “bad”, and even then, a lot of talented artists end up getting bad ratings and there’s no way to tell why, because there’s no mode of communication. For all they know, people could just be dishing out 1.00′s for kicks; there’s no way to tell. Maybe I’m asking too much of a site that doesn’t display art as its primary function, but I’d rather have no rating system at all if we can’t have constructive criticism to go with the ratings.

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      • #896608


        Agreed, Fracktail. Also, just to let you know, I’m FINALLY uploading that picture of my Webkinz on a wood pile. I’m calling it “Autumn ‘Kinz”, and it’s gonna be in the “WK Collections” gallery.

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        • #896871


          YES. I can’t wait to see Orion and Shadow peacefully sitting together on wood. (Or maybe not so peacefully. Maybe Shadow is internally boiling over with annoyance. The world may never know.)

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        • #896883


          Also, I made some winter-themed pictures that are now on the Share Center and even one of Nafaria and Alyssa! I couldn’t find your Autumn ‘Kinz one but I’m still trying!

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          • #896923


            I doubt it moderated yet. I just uploaded it a little while ago. Also, Shadow is sorta hiding, but he’s still visible (Remember how Shadow said he wasn’t camera shy? I have a feeling he lied. Hehe). Orion is above Shadow (This is a pretty big wood pile). Ophelia is perched on a large branch I got to stand upright (THAT WAS SO STINKIN HARD). Anyway, there are a lot of Webkinz there. Not 500, but still, kind of a lot.

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            • #897123


              HEHEHEH SHADOW IS CAMERA-SHY. So much for the unfettered ninja archetype. LET HIM LIVE THAT DOWN, I SHALL NOT. NYEH. Also, is Chipadea in the picture? And if so, does she happen to be standing on a mountain of cookies? (I imagine it would be fairly difficult to get Chipadea to stand still for a picture though hahaha)

            • #897161


              She’s in it, but of course she needed to be on the top of the highest log. HER TAIL IS FRIZZY HURR HURR (Hurr is my new favorite laugh). Also, that isn’t his biggest fear (Which I’ve actually figured out and sorta figured out why he’s afraid of it). He just doesn’t really like having his picture taken. Orion loves it though. Also, she’s not on a mountain of cookie, because then I would have to get a mountain of cookies (remember, I took a picture, I didn’t draw it). And if you give Chipadea a cookie, she’ll stand still for abou five seconds (At most), and you can tak her picture then. She stood still for this beacause I gave her the cookie afterward, when I finally convinced her I wouldn’t put a cookie in the picture because it didn’t have anything to do with Autumn (although Chipadea claims there are cookie trees and they get chocolate chips in the Fall if you sing to them).

            • #897485


              You mean you can’t sing to cookie trees to bribe them for chocolate chips???? MY ENTIRE LIFE IS A LIE. But I suppose you have a point with the cookie mountain. We make cookie mountains all the time (we call them Mount Cookiemore), but I would much rather eat Mount Cookiemore than throw a crazy squirrel on it. So you win that argument! Also URGH I super-duper want to know Shadow’s biggest fear. But that would ruin everything because it’s on the Internet. Maybe if you posted it on a super-ancient article???

            • #898055


              It’s a secret!! Heeheeheeheehee!! YOU HAVE TO FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!!! :D

            • #898358


              Huh. How should I go about that? *snaps fingers* I know, I’ll drag Shadow into a random interview! *Shadow suddenly appears on a chair in an interview show hosted by Wacky Zingoz (please don’t question my logic)* Wacky Zingoz: Hello, everybody! Welcome to Wacky Zingoz’s Interview Show! Now let’s get right to the questions, because Fracktail doesn’t know how interviews are even supposed to work. So, Shadow, what is your biggest fear?! *shoves microphone into Shadow’s face*

            • #898373


              Shadow: WHAT?! HOW DID I GET HERE?! *Looks down at the microphone then snatches it and throws it* MY FEARS ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSNESS, YOU NOSY WEIRDO!! Me: Now Shadow, don’t be so mean. Shadow: SHUT IT! THIS IS YOUR FAULT TOO! Me: It is NOT! Shadow: YES IT IS! YOU’RE CONSTANTLY TALKING ABOUT ME! “Oh, he has such a dramatic backstory! Oh his fear is so INTERESTING. WHY DON’T YOU STINKING SHOVE HIM INTO A STUPID TV SHOW AND PROBE ALL HIS SECRETS?!” Me: I never said that. Oh, and by the way, Shadow is afraid of- *Gets tackled by Shadow* Me: Oof!

            • #898401


              …This would be an ideal time to run away really fast. *runs away really fast as Shadow goes on a fury-fueled rampage* Wacky Zingoz: *runs after Shadow* But you didn’t answer my questionnnn!!! (NOTE: Wacky apparently isn’t very smart. Then again, he does enjoy getting hit by a baseball bat. Good luck scaring him off, in that case!)

            • #898988


              Shadow: I am not answering your stupid question! *Uses hind paw to shove Wacky away* Me: Ack! Get off of me! I won’t tell, sheesh! Shadow: *Gets off of Pokekinz to stare Wacky down*

            • #899341


              *Wacky stares back confusedly* *Shadow stares back angrily* *EPIC SHADOW vs. WACKY STARING SHOWDOWN* (someone please draw this) Wacky: So, uh…I have a question for you. So, remember that time when Fracktail and Pokekinz were talking about your backstory? And then they mentioned that your parents abandoned you? And then they started talking about your foster fox parents. They never mentioned the male fox’s name, though. So, what I want to know is…what’s your worst fear?

            • #900746


              Shadow: Wha…. Huh…. Who….. How…… DOES EVERYONE WANT TO RUIN MY LIFE?! *Grabs Wacky and throws him at Pokekinz* Me: AAAAAAAAAHHH!!! *Wacky slams into Pokekinz* OOP.

            • #901009


              Wacky: Huh. I guess the doggy won’t answer me. Well, I know who he will answer! *fist pumps the air as a giant and majestic Zangoz crashes through the brick wall, his club swinging gracefully in the air*

            • #901928


              Shadow: *Looks ate Wacky, then the Zangoz, then back at Wacky again, than at the large hole in the brick wall* I’m not answering anyone. *Suddenly jumps on the Zangoz’s head and runs out the hole in the brick wall* Me: …….. Huh. Well, I guess that’s the end of this game show. OR IS IT?! Shadow: (Yelling from sort of far away out the hole) IT HAD BETTER BE!!

    3. #895948


      I think you should be able to change the doorways. We should be able to move the doorways around instead of just having the doorway in the middle of each wall. I think being able to move the doorways would help to fit furniture better. Sometimes, furniture needs an extra space in order to fit against the wall, but it would cover a doorway. If we could shift the doorways, it would make it easier to fit furniture/wall decorations around a room

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      • #896028

        Hes i would love this! And it would be a great change with the new mayor and all…

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    4. #895849


      Can we PLEASE get some mazin’ hamsters in the Wshop under the pets section? I really like them, only all the places I live near don’t sell them, or webkinz at all! I have to drive about 2 hours out of my way in order to get a single webkinz, and even then, all the stores I know of don’t sell mazin’ hamsters!

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    5. #895600


      There is should be some way to mute Webkinz. Usually I love all the sound effects, but sometimes I want to listen to music of my own instead of the Webkinz music and sounds.

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      • #895865



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      • #896042


        On that non, you know what I would also like? A potato to eat pause button. None of the Arcade games have a pause button, and it’s really frustrating when you have a really high score and then you have to go do something. I’d listen to all the sounds in WackyER Zingoz if it meant I got to have a pause button. And believe me, I can’t STAND the sounds in that game. The music, Wacky’s voice, aaaggghh. Although to be fair, Wacky’s voice was always like that. It’s just less bearable in combination with that catchy and repetitive tune. I always mute that game as fast as I can so I can play other music, but AAAHHH IT’S TOO LATE, THE WACKY MUSIC HAS ETCHED ITSELF ONTO MY BRAIN.

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        • #896553


          Hahaha yes, I agree! It’s very annoying to not be able to stop in the middle of a game. Sometimes you’re forced to leave a game you’re doing great in because you need to do something else.

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