Meet My New Pet!

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  • #858292

    Key Master
    1. #873216

      My newest pet is Joy, my Peace Out Puppy. Joy is very artistic and creative! She loves singing, making art, and listening to music. She also likes to be unique, so her favorite outfit is a Cute Cropped Jacket with Star Fly Pants. She loves the Creativity class in the Kinzville Academy, she is a fence painter at the Employment Office (she does the most colorful, unique fences in WW!), and her favorite food is cake. Her room theme is unique as well; it’s a combination of the Rock ‘n’ Roll, Pop Star, and Creative themes! Joy’s favorite item is the vase of roses; it reminds her of the flowers that performers sometimes receive after a show!

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      • #873963


        cool dinosuartracker13!

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    2. #873398


      Hi everyone do these names sound unique? My Cheeky Dog’s name is Popcorn, my Cheeky Cat’s name is Whiskers, my love puppy’s name is Valentine, and finally my Clover Puppy’s name is well Clover!!! If I were to get these kinz these would be there names, Tie Dye Puppy’s name would be Tie Dye (it would be a boy) Peace Puppy’s name would be well Peace (also a boy). If you have suggested names for the Peace Puppy or Tie Dye Puppy please let me know, I might not get these I do not know. Thanks Everyone!!! ☺ ~lavadragon

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      • #873783

        I have a love puppy named Valentine, too!

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        • #875201


          Aww cool dinosaurtracker13!!!!

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      • #873794


        I like the names Popcorn and Whiskers!! The rest are good but they could be a little more unique- how about something cute like Jayden or Holden? Just some suggestions- hope you like!! ~Queen

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        • #874570


          Thanks Queen!!! I know some of my names are not that unique I really do not have a lot of girl webkinz… so I just name mine based on there appearance!!!!! Thank-you all though!!!!

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          • #874913


            No problem! If you like your names then I have no problem with them :) It’s about what you want since they’re your webkinz :D ~Queen

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          • #876947

            Since the Tie Dye puppy is so colorful, you could name it Spectrum of Kaleidoscope.

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        • #2228221


          joy is an awesome name!

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    3. #873183


      I just got an Arabian Horse with my free estore points (woohoo) and she’s named Vanessa!! She is just so adorable- why can’t there be more horse Webkinz? Those are my favorite ones! What about y’all? ~Queen

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      • #873359


        I agree Queen we should have more horses! The webkinz horses I have are the Brown Arabian, Grey Arabian, pink pony, lil kinz horse, Nightmare horse, Saphire pegasus, and Clydsal :)

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        • #873962


          the only horses i have is the pink pony (magic) and the brown arabian(brownie).

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          • #910306


            I have a brown arabian named Alaska and a sapphire pegasus named Blue Wings. ( I’m not sure if that counts as a horse so i won’t say i have 2)

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        • #873791


          CLydesdale is probably my favorite of all the horses because it was the first Webkinz horse that I ever got :) I named her Cocoa but then my account expired :( (that was before they stopped expiring accounts) and I lost about 8 Webkinz on that account! It was so sad ;( ~Queen

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        • #903968


          That is soooo cool. Love horses!

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      • #874613


        I think the grey Arabian is my favorite of all the webkinz horses too! It’s mainly because I love horses, and she was the first webkinz horse I got. And I think they should make more horses as well, I would love a Shetland pony! Lamb

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        • #874911


          OH MY GOSH I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A SHETLAND PONY *faints from excitement* those have been my absolute favorite real-llife horses since like second grade!! ~Queen

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    4. #873129


      my newest pet is Sleepy the sloth. she has a toadstool room theme, she loves napping, and her best friend is my koala, Cuddles.

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      • #885938


        Ahh luky tose are almost all duluxe members even the ones that have estore points.

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    5. #872992


      Congrats to everybody on their adoption of their new Webkinz pets. My newest pet is a Charming Panda named Jeff and his Brother is Jay the Panda

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