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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #759157


      Yeah Stealthstorm!! Your advice was helpful!!! I think the leaning back thing will help me alot. And I ride English…. so there’s no horn. But I’ll remember that if I ever ride Western. I’m going to friend you. My UN is friend2day.

    2. #758918


      Hay Dapplegreyhorse! Guess what!? On Friday I am getting Nashville! I am so excited!!!!!! My favorite breed is probably a Paso Fino. They are very pretty! I love the color black or blue roans are also pretty cool! My user is PomJazz for all y’all who want to friend me! I accept all! Chillylily: I hope my advice was helpful! For staying on a fast horse, sometimes lean back and the horse will understand and slow down. My last horse Lyric, was super fast. I held on to the reins with a bit of mane. Also, sometimes use your legs to hold on, but squeezing can also mean go faster. It really depends on the horse you are on! If you are trying something new and it seems a bit too fast, there are two little pieces under the “horn” of the saddle and when I was beginning I had a little handle of rope so if I ever got uncomfortable I could hang on! Haha. I hope y’all enjoy my advice and soon my friend Flicka will join us! Have fun and keep riding, the Horse Fanatics

    3. #758439


      dapplegreyhorse, what’s the difference between the posting trot or rising trot and what’s hunter, dressage, and country english pleasure? Sorry, I don’t know the different riding techniques at all. And I would love to friend you; my Webkinz username is friend2day. What’s your username, dapplegreyhorse? Thank you Stealthstorm and dapplegreyhorse for the advice. I’ll try to remember to apply it to my riding. Does anyone have some advice to share for how to stay on a horse that is traveling very fast? Please share.

      • #758525

        Hey Chillylily, i asked to be your friend my user starts with a T and ends in 5. i don’t want everyone trying to add me so i think you will figure it out. Ask you teacher about different kinds of riding and ask her what kind you are learning.? The posting and rising trot are the same thing some teachers call it posting some call it rising so yea. Hunter can be jumping as well as ground flat work i don’t much about it because i do not do it so yea. I ride dressage. Dressage is a french word meaning training. it is like ballet for horses you do a series of movements sometimes to music if your really good. country English pleasure is kinda like English pleasure but a little different again i don’t know much about it because i don’t do it. about staying on a fast horse try to kinda squeeze your legs to stay on. if you are galloping kinda stand up and lean forward in the saddle. if you are cantering you kinda rise and tilt your pelvis or do the sitting trot if you do dressage. its kinda hard to explain. really you should look up stuff on youtube because it really is a good way to see it and stuff. Dapplegreyhorse

      • #759457


        My honest and inexperienced opinion is hold on tight or don’t get on in the first place…

    4. #757952


      Hey dapplegreyhorse! I had a horse, but we had to sell her in October. :( But by the end of May into June we are hoping to get this Haflinger gelding named Nashville! I ride English and Western, but mainly dressage! So I truly am a English lover. :) ~Keep on riding!

    5. #757950


      Hay there dapplegreyhorse! I ride English and Western! I mainly do dressage :) We are planning on getting my second horse by the end of May, he is a Haflinger gelding named Nashville! So right now I am saving for a Western saddle and will probably do pole bending or barrels! And also, I will start jumping like my mom did when she was younger! Riding is in my genes! Haha, so do you ride? Thanks! ~Horse Advice Person (haha, idk what to call my self! Hay, you guys should help with a nickname! :) )

      • #758527

        Hey StealthStorm I ride dressage too. i do not own a horse though yet i will someday. and how about for a nickname you use Horse Guru maybe. idk. What is your favorite breed and color of horse? mine is Dapple grey Arabian mare. If you tell me your webkinz user i will friend you if you would like. Dapple Grey Horse

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