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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #804806


      I’m an English rider and I’ve been riding for three years. I don’t have a horse of my own, but I take lessons with a professional rider and one of her horses. He’s a 14.3hh appaloosa gelding. We have jumped things as big as 2 foot 9″. I love riding and showing him. He can be tough to handle; I’ve been thrown a few times. Now I can ride him when he bucks, so I’ve not been thrown recently. He’s really smart, so he’s figured out that if he bucks someone off and they get hurt, he gets to go back to his stall. He always tries to spook in one corner of the arena, and I’m working on that every week. He’s definitely getting better about it. Currently we’re working on seeing the lead at the canter and jumping the corresponding jump. I’m hoping to show him in a Future Hunter class this season. -Titokinz

    2. #804257


      Hey Dapple! Thank you for your concern!!!! Mostly now it is in the mountains, but two weeks ago it was up here. The town over 5 mins away was so flooded, our neighbor’s that had a truck were floating in the water!!! :( Scary! Haha! Dapple, you rock! :D Started school on Friday, really excited! For our new building we played the National Anthem before the ribbon cutting and the Hey Song immediately when it was cut! It was so cool, our first pep band thingy! :D I was at a sleepover on Friday (today is Sat.) and it was so fun! It was a birthday sleepover. I had so much sugar, at three in the morning it all kicked in! We made a movie and put on makeup and stuff and I talked in my awesome Lousiana accent! Sometimes I randomly start talking southern, Australian or British at school when I am reading and every one just starts laughing! :D Hope y’all are great! ~Stealthstorm

    3. #804099

      Dapple, Yes! it sprinkled here! ~Texas Girl

    4. #804032

      lol. OK forest85 you win. xD~dapplegreyhorse

    5. #804031

      Thanks Stealthy! I’m not worried though; I’m home schooled. :D~dapplegreyhorse

      • #806013


        cool dapple! I’m homeschooled too! Sent from my iPod

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