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Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

This topic contains 143 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  hayleys25 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #773477


    I got a deluxe membership and if you want the latest deluxe trends, just friend me (4cheechees) &i will send any deluxe clothing u want!!! Cool right? Just tell me yr username & request cool clothes!

    1. #785933


      I would like the lovely lavender dress, white tiger print dress, delightful dining dress, spring sparkle dress, and the spiral desinger dress. and my Username is colorsgirl

    2. #785907


      my username is brownsuger1234567890 (sugar in this case is spelled with an “e”) and i was wondering if it was possible could you send me the kinzstyle shop. i promise i will send something cool back if you can get me the kinzstyle shop. Thanks!!

    3. #785892

      kinzstyle shop please.

    4. #785891

      Jessie 800 I was wondering if I could have the delightful dining dress, lovley lavender dress, and Butterfly wing belt. (After doing that invite me to your house on webkinz.)

    5. #784726

      Can I please have the neo gothic dress. I have the whole neo gothic theme and it would be so cool if i also had the dress. Aslo i would love some deluxe furniture from the wshop and kinzstyle shop clothing. Thank you so much my Username is Kristinanb123

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