Next Requests

Home Forums Trading Next Requests

This topic contains 120 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  sally 2 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #2427139

    Key Master

    Need something from Webkinz Next? List it here! Please note that no one is obligated to send you anything from your list. You may want to list one or two reasonable requests — not “all sendable items” on Webkinz Next. More and more items will be added all the time, so that’s both an impossible ask and not fair for Next players who work hard for their KinzCash.

    1. #2428311


      I need juice boxes and would be willing to send any reasonable request to get them. I have not been able to download NEXT

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    2. #2428305


      If you need fruity juice boxes please send a friend request to webkinzplayer0606 and list your username in your comment. Nothing is needed in return, they only cost 5 kc. Have a great day ;)

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    3. #2428227


      Hi there everyone. I do not have a Next account and was wondering if a member of Webkinz Next would be kind enough to send 3 of the juicy boxes to help my Kinz with the new challenge. My user name is Leeann15 my kinz and I would be so grateful. Thank you so much and have a great day.

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    4. #2428197


      If anyone has fruity juice boxes that they would like to send – I would appreciate it!

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    5. #2428145

      Hi Webkinz Next players. If someone would be able to send me the juice boxes required to complete the challenge I would be most grateful and would of course send back a thank you gift. My user name on Webkinz Classic is bickyc. Thanks so much.

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