Next Requests

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This topic contains 120 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  sally 2 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #2427139

    Key Master

    Need something from Webkinz Next? List it here! Please note that no one is obligated to send you anything from your list. You may want to list one or two reasonable requests — not “all sendable items” on Webkinz Next. More and more items will be added all the time, so that’s both an impossible ask and not fair for Next players who work hard for their KinzCash.

    1. #2430431


      Hi, well I finally relented and started a new Webkinz Next account today. It is fine apart from the mining cave, which made me nauseous for a couple of hours. I think I will need to point, click and close my eyes when my pet is moving. My Husky is Sapphire Huskymist if you see me on there. Many thanks to @Ultrasonic3 for helping me with the juice boxes for the quest we had recently, hope to see you on there. I am doing it from my netg account for those that have friended me on Classic. I hope to build up some money in advance of Christmas to help out my friends with items that can be sent. Hugs, netge

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    2. #2430359


      Thanks soooooo much lilmarie2013 for the juice boxes!!! YOU ROCK!!!! If anyone else can send me some more juice boxes, I would appreciate it, let me know your username so I can send a friend request. THANKS!!!!

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      • #2430507


        @auntjenny. You’re very welcome, always happy to help out another player :). I can send 3 more juices today and 3 more on Saturday. The forums here don’t post over the weekend but if you’d like more just let me know. I’ve stocked up. Have a great weekend :).

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    3. #2429677


      Hello this is my top favorite need and want and hope list please I would love to have some crafted items and any fun stuff for playground and growinng plants and if posible the competion plants and the glampire if theres any left clothing and costumes of all holidays and prizes from arcade machine and all the different next foods of all kinds please and thank you .

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    4. #2429349


      Hey hey. Everyone. NEED JUICE? Fruity juice boxes from Next? Just send a friend request to me at webkinzplayer0606 and I’m happy to send you three. Nothing is needed in return but you MUST send the fr. Thanks and have a juicy day :)

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      • #2429521


        Thank you for your kindness! I have sent you a friend request.

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        • #2429693


          @11auntue. Hey hey sent you 3 yesterday will send more today :). Have a great day

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          • #2430975


            I received the 3 you sent on Nov. 9, lilmarie2013. Thank you so much! However, I never received the ones you were sending Nov. 10. Did they get sent back to you for some reason? My computer sometimes does strange things. If you were just unable to send them for some reason, that’s fine. I’m very happy with what I received.

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      • #2430903


        Hi lilmarie2013! I just sent you a friend request from slime90. I would love to have 8 juice boxes if I may. Four for me and four for a friend. (I would like to make the window.) Thanks so much for helping others out that don’t have Next.

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        • #2431127


          My friend and I would like to thank you for sending the juice boxes. I already make my window, I love the colors of that window! slime90

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    5. #2429257


      I am a Mac owner, so I cannot get Next yet. I’d greatly appreciate four Fruity Juice Boxes for the challenge and a window. My user name is 11auntie.

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