Next Requests

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This topic contains 120 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  sally 2 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #2427139

    Key Master

    Need something from Webkinz Next? List it here! Please note that no one is obligated to send you anything from your list. You may want to list one or two reasonable requests — not “all sendable items” on Webkinz Next. More and more items will be added all the time, so that’s both an impossible ask and not fair for Next players who work hard for their KinzCash.

    1. #2432559


      That we have unlimited plays in the arcade, and in classic, we can buy property’s, drive our vehicles in kinzville, and change our clothes in the clubhouse and park, instead of having to go all the way home.

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    2. #2432453


      Hi folks I posted on the Trading Forum I NEED THIS ITEM. For the first three players that respond to my post there on I need this item, I will send the 3 items needed from Webkinz Next to complete the One World Two Games Challenge. The three items needed are Apricot, Candy from arcade and the Happy Cactus Picture. Go check it out if your interested. Have a great day! ~ shelkinz67

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    3. #2432215


      Hi all – I’m just requesting some advice on Next. How do I fill my pet’s energy bar? None of the usual ways on Classic – bathing, trampoline, putting to bed – have no effect on energy. Feeding helps a little, but what do I do if my pet is 100% happy and full but no energy? I’m really tired seeing my pet with a sickly, sleepy look to it and I can’t seem to help it. I usually refuse pet requests because they mostly are for buying something expensive at the Wshop and I’m trying to build up some cash – I only fulfill easy requests like food or arcade game. Still navigating my way around . . . thanks – alphacat

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      • #2432451


        @Alphaowlbear Hi, alphacat The only way that I know to get your pet’s energy bar to fill is to wait for a Pet Request from them. It takes a lot longer, they may want a bath, exercise, play a game in the arcade or a specific game, buy a specific item from the W-Shop change a specific clothing article. I keep on top of my pets to keep the bar full. I always do mine in the early morning by the next morning it has only dropped 1 level, then I only have to wait for 1 pet request to fill that pet up again. I have 8 pets so it takes awhile to get the energy bars full. Try to do it every day and keep it full. If you miss a day it starts to drop quickly and then it takes so long to fill back up again. Hope this help. ~ shelkinz67

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      • #2434823


        Have them sleep helps, and doing there pet requests, HOPE THIS HELPS!

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    4. #2431667


      Thanks for the juice boxes lilmarie2013!!! I could use 6 more of them, so I can “cook up” some windows. Thanks!!!

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      • #2431809


        @auntjenny7. Hey hey happy to send those to you, will send out later today and tomorrow. :)

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    5. #2431025


      Hello frozenanna2 I saw what you said about the juice boxes except I do not know if your user is the same or different from ganz world or maybe you can try toooooo add me just let me know about it in all the above ways ?

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