Places in Webkinz World

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This topic contains 617 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by  gdl2002 1 year ago.

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  • #858315

    Key Master
    1. #918054



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      • #921359



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    2. #916350


      ARGGGGGG HELP! ive looked in the club house in every room twice today cant find the leprechuan anywhere its making me REALLY MADDDDDDD my webkinz isnt working either its all glitching so the adds are on my webkinz so i cant see the get items from storge or i can barley see the things to do list

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    3. #915840


      I’m trying to do the new Webkinz Newz challenge but one of the tasks is to do an Intelligence lesson at Webkinz Academy. My pet is already a level 10, so it won’t let me complete the class. Does this mean I can’t complete that challenge? Help! :(

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      • #921003


        if you don’t have any pets who aren’t a level 10, you can get a new pet cheap at Tuesday Mornings. they have lil’ Kinz for $3 and regulars for $4. sometimes u can even find rockerz and they usually have the preschool ones, too, but i don’t think those work in the regular webkinz world. hope it helps!

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    4. #915678

      This probably has nothing to do with this topic but why did i get banned from the trading room (kinz chat plus) ? i am very disappointed cause i use the clubhouse not only to trade, but to socialize. i have been banned until March 20th and that is a very long time to wait! i am very mad. EXTREMELY MAD! like, out of all people, why me?! i probably sound like a total diva or something saying this but is there any chance you can reduce the time Ganz? PLEASE?

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    5. #914305


      Okay, does anybody know how to play Alyssas Star Challenge? Whenever I play it, the computer mouse stops working and it takes like an hour for us to get it working again. Is anybody else having this problem? -DoodleGirl09

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