Places in Webkinz World

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This topic contains 617 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by  gdl2002 1 year ago.

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  • #858315

    Key Master
    1. #956388


      I am getting very frustrated with the Academy! I have completed all my classes except weight lifting with two of my pets. Any chance the tutoring option will come back for those of us who simply can not perform the task in time? Today – I was on track to finish the class on time, for the first time in MONTHS, when your STUPID system broke in to tell me I had achieved the next family level. VERY ANNOYING AND BAD TIMING!!

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    2. #956236


      I won with the family score the Kinzville Valley Home, where do I find it, is it with the furniture, cannot find it anywhere. Please let me know. Thank you

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      • #956341


        it is in your map stuff and congratulations on getting it! ;D

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    3. #956025


      Having trouble seeing my large pool in my backyard. Its like its invisible. My pets play in it but its invisible. Help. I can’t remove it because it doesn’t recognize it to remove it.

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      • #956342


        I have a invisible pool too it is the beach house one right? I do not have to move mine because it is right where I want it but I would just tell them it is invisible and just wait for tem to fix it hope this helped!

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    4. #954182

      I had to use 2000 estore points to get my Founders statue, because even though I moved stuff all over my kinsville map, it did not ever finish my mission. Today, I went to use my pixie pod and the game froze and I lost it because I had to “x” out to get out. What do I do when this stuff happens? Am I just out my items? Thanks

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    5. #953419

      I can not use my adventure park anymore. There is no place to dig but I did not get the last crystal that I need to finish the task.

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      • #955665


        I have a similar problem with the Adventure Perk. In the middle of a quest, I finished the first level. then on the second leg/crystal, I found the first piece of rope but there is no place to dif for the second piece…no second room with places to dig for the rope. One time there was places to dig but I used up most of bought digs only to find nothing in the entire room. Ever since then, there is no place in the second room to dig. Please HELP ME and veloceiraptor. I love the adventure park and have missed playing the quests.

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