Places in Webkinz World

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This topic contains 617 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by  gdl2002 1 year ago.

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  • #858315

    Key Master
    1. #964257


      Poll! Who is your favorite Webkinz Host? Amanda Panda Arte Fact Doug The Dog Fluffington Fred Rover Ms. Cowoline Quizzy Ms. Birdy (I did not list all remember.) Mine is Doug The Dog ^w^

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      • #964295


        Hm…. I think I’m gonna have to agree with ya, Doug’s pretty great. XD

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    2. #963274


      Does anyone know what the Kinzville Valley Home is? I just got it from the Family Score prizes, and I don’t know how to use it. Someone please help!!!

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      • #963334

        Key Master

        It’s a decoration for your Kinzville Map.

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    3. #961307


      I have a question. Is the new Ms. Cocaine game in the arcade not working for everyone? We would like to play it but it won’t go past the first screen.

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      • #961589


        Hello there @Avanator2009! I tried playing Mrs. Cowaline’s Role Call in the Arcade weeks ago, It was okay for me at the time, but since § Is still in the fixes updating and “improving” Webkinz World, there may be a glitch with the game. I would just wait until Ganz’s next update and hopefully, It will be fixed by then. ☺Best of luck to you! ~lavadragon ☃

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    4. #960831


      During the logging out process, there are 3 games. Does anyone know how we are supposed to be syncing the clocks? Is there an order to it? Also, on the second game, is the yellow or red bar the “strongest?” Thanks for any help.

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      • #961653


        Okay, I’ve got a strategy for both of those. On the first game, I like to hit the Clover dial with one hand at nine, and the other in between two and three. For the sun dial, I try to get both on twelve. For the star, I also try to get both hands on twelve. For the tree dial, I try to get one hand on three and the other on six. Now, for the second game, I didn’t figure out how it worked for quite a while, There isn’t any spot on the power bar that’s the strongest, there’s actually a specific spot you have to try to hit, but it’s randomly chosen each time. I usually start in the yellow, and if it’s strong enough, I move a little to either side. If it’s not strong at all, I go nearly all the way to one side, and if that doesn’t work, to the other. Hopefully you can understand all this, but the basic idea is you have to try to find the sweet spot within your three hits, or get close a couple times. Hope I helped! ヾ( ^▽^)ノ

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        • #966023


          Thank You.

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      • #963275


        Hi kitkat8765! To set the clocks, click on them. I’m not sure what the trick is for them :( Also, the red is considered “strongest” but there is a “sweet spot” one line from the edge of yellow and green that is sure to break the pinata regardless of what try. Hope this helps! ~Dorice6 ;)

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        • #966024


          Thank You

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    5. #959393

      Hello. I am trying to get Kinz chat plus on my account. I am at least the age you guys recommend to have Kinz chat plus (10+) and my parent is over 18. However, the settings for the Kinzchat plus is blocked out. Do I have to have one of those membership to have Kinzchat plus? My account has bought over 2 webkinz. The FAQ never said anything about the blocked out options, so I suspect it is outdated.

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      • #961588


        Hey @BirthdayDragon, Nice user, so many cool dragon-oriented usernames! I joined Kinzchat plus I think around a year ago, or two, I don’t keep track of that stuff :P Possibly, If you go on this link… you can set up A Parents account, using just your username, and password and parent’s email. If I recall correctly, this is the step I took to get Kinz Chat Plus. Your parent’s account can set limitations for their child’s account, which includes choosing their types of chat! :D (I may be inaccurate, but I am pretty sure my explanation is accurate.) Now I assume you probably knew most of the information above. I do not think you have to have a Deluxe Membership in order to access the Kinz Chat Plus Park. I am not deluxe and I signed up easily. But since I joined a while ago, and § has released the wonderful, better than ever, “Webkinz X” (Excuse my sarcasm.) This feature may be inaccurate and in need of an update. Have a great day! ~lavadragon ☃

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