Places in Webkinz World

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This topic contains 617 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by  gdl2002 1 year ago.

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  • #858315

    Key Master
    1. #967507


      Can you only win a raffle once in the Coral Cove? The first time I won I received a prize, but I have won two more times and even though it said a prize was in my dock, it wasn’t there.

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      • #969883


        play wheel of wow. then click on the card. it will spin when you click on the card

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    2. #966309

      Regarding the Wheel of Wow: I have been able to use my extra spins for the “Wheel of Wow!” The “Wheel of Wow” does not recognize when I try to use an extra spin card. Does anyone know how to use the extra spin cards? Please let me know. Thank you very much for your help.

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    3. #966222


      How do I dig in Adventure Park? I’ve done the mini quest but I can’t figure out how to do my daily digs and there’s no instructions.

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      • #968682


        If you don’t have an active quest, there is no place to dig. If you do have an active quest, your daily digs are replenished to 10 every day. You should then follow the instructions of the host/character of your active quest to find a place to dig.

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    4. #966022


      Does anyone know where in my acct. I can find the Morgan Fairy I won from Family Points??

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      • #968683


        The Morgan fairy you won is not a plush or item that you can actually place in your room. It is a Pet Buddy. Because of the Webkinz X update, these are currently only available in the clubhouse. When they become available, you should be able to dress your pet with your buddy by clicking the dress icon and selecting the button that looks like a Zum. Congrats on your family score progress!

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    5. #964258


      Hi, I need help. I keep trying to finish the Build Kinzville challenge but whenever I move the KinzStyle Outlet on the map, the challenge says I haven’t done it yet. I don’t know what’s going on, I’ve tried it more than once. Also, for the Send Your Pet to the Moon challenge it says I need to buy a skateboard from the Wshop but it’s never there. Can someone help me?

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      • #965281

        Try going to the W-Shop – Fun Stuff, then Rides and Cars – there are a couple of skateboards there. Good luck, and Merry Christmas

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