Places in Webkinz World

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This topic contains 617 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by  gdl2002 1 year ago.

  • Author
  • #858315

    Key Master
    1. #975698


      I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but, hatch the dragon won’t load for me on Webkinz mobile.

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    2. #975257


      HELP!!! I just guessed the jellybean challenge correctly, and accidentally fed the Jellybean Jar prize to my pet.. :-( …. I thought it was a trophy, and was trying to add it to my room…and my pet ate it :,-(

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    3. #975051


      I can’t turn any of the TV’s in my house on. I walk up to them and click on them but the remote never pops up, am I doing something wrong?

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      • #975101

        Key Master

        TVs are not currently functioning, so you’re not doing anything wrong :)

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    4. #974996


      I didn’t quite know which question category to ask this under, so I hope this one is good enough. I bought the Lucky Lilac Enchanted Sapling during Treasure Tuesday today. I designed my tree and verified that’s how I wanted it. It told me that I couldn’t change the design once I agreed that was the way I wanted. But when I put it in my yard it wasn’t the design I had chosen and agreed to; how do I get the design that I chose? Thank you very much for your help.

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    5. #974219

      Why can I no longer invite people to my house. (note: my phone is turned on too)

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      • #974270

        Key Master

        That functionality has not yet been added in for Webkinz X. It is part of the planned updates, though, so stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for an announcement when it will be available again.

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