Shabby Chic Interior Design

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Shabby Chic Interior Design

This topic contains 25 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tear_the_wolf 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #709857

    Want to redesign your room, but you don’t know how? Well, I’m here to help you. If you want me to redesign your pets room, just leave a response with the following information: 1. Is the room for a boy or girl? 2. What pet is it for? 3. What is your budget? 4. What is the size of the room? Leave a response with that information included and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. ~webkinzandcupcakes

    1. #739242

      Thanks a bunch! I can’t wait to put this room in my house!

    2. #738825

      ShiningStar13 I’m so sorry the post didn’t go through the first time. This is what it is, and it’s all Free member items: Deep Purple Wall Paint, Golden Hardwood flooring, 2 cloud couches (they’re on sale right now), 2 basic sliding windows, 1 cream living room coffee table, 1 creamy vanilla side table, tulip planter, and, if you want (and are willing to break your budget), a Sky-Vision (also on sale right now). But the basic room costs 1425 kinzcash. Thank you and come again!

    3. #738833

      Okay, Tear the Wolf, here’s the room for the Portuguese water dog. I will post some more room designs for your dog soon (I tend to over-design). I used a lot of Superfan themed items, but not all superfan since it can get really expensive. Here is my list: Blue wall paint, superfan flooring, blue striped bed, Webkinz superfan dresser, swing-open window, head in the Clouds desk, teacher’s chair, superfan toy shelf, checkers, baseball glove, baseball. If you’re not into baseball use a basketball or bowling ball instead. Thank you and come again!

    4. #738877

      Okay, ShiningStar13, I’m going to try to post your room. The first two times they didn’t post, and I’ve got my fingers crossed now. Tear_the_wolf, I’ve got your room done, too. ShiningStar: Deep purple wall paint, golden hardwood flooring, 2 cloud couches, 1 cream living room coffee table, 1 creamy vanilla side table, 1 tulip planter, 2 basic sliding windows. If you get some more kinzcash I would recommend a Sky Vision for a TV. Thank you!

    5. #738878

      Okay, ShiningStar13, this is the fourth time I’m posting this, but here’s your (still awesome) room. Deep purple wall paint, golden hardwood flooring, 2 cloud couches, cream living room coffee table, creamy vanilla side table, 2 basic sliding windows, 1 tulip planter. Thank you!

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