Signature Exclusive Fashionable Fireplace for trade!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Signature Exclusive Fashionable Fireplace for trade!!

This topic contains 39 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #842206


    Hi I have the Signature Exclusive Fashionable Gas Fireplace for trade. If anyone wants it, here is my wishlist. Any other piece of the signature theme. I still need the window, bed, limosine, wardrobe, rug, sofa, bookshelf, dining chairs, and table. If anyone want to exchange sig items with me it would be awesome! I am trading by the way my extra not my original. Thanks to the friend who send me items from E-store.-Atom

    1. #843749


      Hi Mark, I can trade you love frog PSI! I will send first. Is this ok? I trust since you are good friends with Lamb you will send afterwards. You are very kind.-Atom

      • #844005


        I sent the Items over not a Problem. the other post has more things to say. Okay See you Around W.W. and have a Happy New Years

    2. #843445


      Hi are your Collector10? I need to find out that person who sent me rainy day window. I sent a TY note in WW, but if you know it would help. You see I didn’t know what to send back.-Atom

    3. #843163


      Mark, can I have the 2 signature items. I will post a trade list after the first of the year. Please check that out!-Atom

      • #843220


        Okay I’ll hold on to the items Atom., and wait for your list to show up. See you around W.W. and have a Happy New Years

        • #843312


          Hi Mark! I posted my trade list on questions! I bet you have everything on it because you are a webkinz superstar like DF and Lamb, but if you don’t it would be great if we could help each other! Please friend me at frogsandfly.-Atom

          • #843421


            Hey Atom., What do you mean by I’m a “Webkinz Superstar like DF and Lamb”.? If you don’t mind me asking. and I’ll friend you soon, i’ll see what you have and we’ll see if we can make a trade Okay. See you around W.W. and have a Happy New Years

            • #843430


              Okay what I found on your list where the Artic Window (Polar Bear), and/or the Love Pond (Love Frog). Let me know which one you want to trade for. Okay See you around W.W.

            • #843735


              Super kind, and have a lot of cool items. Basically a collector. You have everything but still have a big heart to give to those who aren’t deluxe or need something. Thank you very much. I hope you don’t mind that title. Thanks you are awesome. Well those 2 are possible. I really want the two sig exclusives. Would you trade them both for a PSI or do you want both. I will get back to you because I have Icecooler wanting Polar Bear too, and NXAMBI wanting Love Frog I am very confused right now. Then with my mom in the hospital sometimes i have to get off at a minute’s notice. I will TTYS-Atom

            • #844004


              Okay so that what it means, It’s up to you if you want to send over the Second PSI, but I sent over both Sig. Items. And to be honest I’m not really a Superstar I’m a non-deluxe member and I sometimes ask deluxe member for items (only when new items come out) for thing the only way i think I can repay them back is looking on their list and sending them items for it (the best I can at least)so the real superstar to me are Alice, Becky, Tyler and Mom. (MORHB) those are my “Webkinz Superstars”. Sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she will be okay. See you around W.W. and Have a Happy New Years

    4. #842769


      Oh I sent the one I earned, kept the one you sent. It is very special to me.-Atom

    5. #842768


      Oh and on my other forum Signature Room Theme I said; if no one has signature chairs I will buy the golden ones from the W-shop.-Atom

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