The Ultimate Webkinz Givaway

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The Ultimate Webkinz Givaway

This topic contains 121 replies, has 46 voices, and was last updated by  LexyMonster 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #772071


    Surprise! I also am giving away items for FREE! The items available include but are not limited to Food, Clothing, Furniture, Objects from the Magical Forest, Adventure Park, Wheel of WOW, Wheel of the Month, Wheel of Yum, Wheel of Wishes, Spree, and many, many, more! All YOU have to do is post your username along with whatever you want (You may not get exactly what you want) and your gift will be sent via KinzPost. If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask!

    1. #773495

      un same on here do you have any psis? :)

    2. #773275


      That’s so nice of you! My UN is KittyKatCutie. I am looking for Spree items! (Specifically Tables and Chairs from the Fast Food theme) and any Arcade game machines! And then Magical Forest can really be anything that isn’t from Woodland Wonders (Other than the Tiara and Shield) and from Adventure Park I’m mostly looking for paper weights and the Boris and Rafi plushies. Thanks so much!

      • #773435


        I’m sorry, but I have none of the items you mentioned. Are you interested in anything else?

        • #773833


          Umm, let me see… The KinzTunes Video Award from Wheel of the Month, and these items from Jumbleberry fields:Jumbleberry Pie, Sugarberry Bean Bag Chair, Tray of Sugarberry Muffins, Fresh Berries Display, Berry Farm Window, Weathered Barn Flooring, Jumbleberry Bath, Moonberry Pantry. Other than that, that’s about it for those categories. :3

          • #774683


            Ok, I have the KinzTunes Video Award, so I will send that. Is that fine with you??

            • #775007


              Yes! Thank you so much. <: I really appreciate it!

    3. #773261

      Hi! I like clothing if you have any. Thanks I’m cream897 :)

    4. #773184


      hi my u.s. is Belle815 and i dont really care what i get thanks

    5. #772709


      Hi! My name is abislu1. I would love anything please! Thank you!

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