***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #706927

      FF- So happy to hear you finally got the Trolley! In the back of my mind I thought I had it somewhere, but where exactly was a whole nother story lol. I think that sounded like a pretty fair trade (the ear for those PSI’s) considering one was Estore and one was ‘promo’, and the other is just plain cute. Hope you find everything else on your wishlist! I know how challenging that can be! Wish I could help more, sorry about that. MOMPETSWEBKINZ- Hi there. I cannot remember whether or not we’ve ‘met’ before, but your user seems very familiar. Anyways, welcome back, and yes the changes have thrown us all for a loop! I hope you’ll be able to navigate your way around well enough! Was wondering if you happened to have for trade 2 Pearl Placemats (Birthstone) or the Aquamarine Birthstone Set? Would be happy to trade for them if so!! Thanks, and again, welcome back.

    2. #706890


      Does anyone have the Totem Pole? I’ve missed it twice now.

    3. #706853

      Lady—–Sorry that I didn’t respond sooner!!! I saw your list and I’m semi-interested in a few things. Having some computer trouble right now so I’ll probably let you in the morning.

    4. #706838


      Lady77- I like your marshmallow seeds. See my list for what i have. WILD- I’ll Give you the Life Guard jacket. FR me catdy. PLMK what your WW user is.

    5. #706797


      Hey guys… Does anyone have the winter games outfit? I need the shirt, pants, and shoes. LMK!!

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