Trading for Deluxe Clothing.

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This topic contains 76 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  cutieny2008 12 years ago.

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  • #717284

    I’ve always been a fan of the deluxe clothing but I’m unable to purchase them from the outlet, if anyone has them I would love to trade for ‘em. I understand some of the clothing is quite expensive so I would offer more for those. I’m unsure on what to offer for them but I do have various PSI and things, kind of tricky to figure out the value since they’re from the outlet yet they’re Deluxe only. :P Anyone else is more than welcome to use this forum to trade for the Deluxe clothing as well, and as I said I’m not sure on what to offer so if you’re able to purchase the clothing and wish to trade please tell me what value range you were thinking. :)

    1. #719679


      Does anyone want to trade for rare seeds or deluxe clothing? I have been trying to do so for a week or two but have had NO LUCK!

      • #719765


        Hi kaykay, you sent me a friend request. I have not accepted yet, due to the fact I have been getting too many from unknown people. I only have extra donut at this time, my caramel apple seeds have already been promised to LadyG. If you’d like to trade for them JLMK, DF

        • #719868


          Its okay I understand. And yes I would like to trade for those. Just let me know what you want for the seeds and I will do the best that I can. I have gem lamps, gem car, a slide, and some rare clothing. If you end up getting caramel apple seeds back in stock, or banana split seeds please let me know. Thank you and Happy Birthday.

          • #720040


            Hi Kaykay, I’ll accept your friend request today. Just feel free to offer on the donut seeds, what ever you think is fair. I’ll have extra seeds soon, I always forget to get them, because my farm is complete and I don’t know anyone that needs them. I also have the promo seeds, sour gum ball, not sure about that name, but they trade for promo value, so not sure what to ask. DF

            • #720090


              Those would be wonderful. I have alot of PSI, and I have the Spot of Tea slide PSI for trade. If you have any requests please feel free to let me know and I will see what I can do. I trade daily so new items might be available. Thanks so much! DF

    2. #719380


      Hey Chloe i got the clothes. thanks so much. i sent some coupons and a kc coin to help out although i know what i sent would barely cover it. the clothes are so expensive. any kind of seed other than the donut will do. thanks so much. if you need anything PLMK.

      • #719389


        Ok Lady, I have some caramel apple seeds, I’ll send them as soon as I find them. LOL I will try to remember to get some banana split seeds, and I’ll send those too, soon, TTYL Chloe

      • #719576


        Hi Lady, well, I sent the donut! Just send those back, and I’ll send the caramel apple seeds. OK? I should have written that down, LOL I am so sorry, I just send so much, you are lucky I didn’t send tons of donut seeds. LOL PLMK if you now have all the deluxe clothing, I think I sent all to you and duchess, but want to double check. TTYL Chloe

        • #719706


          hi Chloe i got all the clothing thanks so much. i read somewhere that your birthday’s coming soon. i sent a gift and the donut seed on the 92 account. i hope you’ll like what i sent. thanks again for all the help

        • #719748


          Hi, your name is Chloe? Well, DF, I may have heard about your Birthday from some people on the forums, and I think a retired PSI should do for a gift. :) Have a nice birthday!

          • #719767


            cutie, yes that is my name, LOL No need to send me a BD gift, I don’t make a huge deal out of my birthdays anymore. I didn’t mean to make an announcement, I am somewhat private about that kind of stuff. Thanks, anyway. DF

            • #719855


              D’aww. I already sent my gift. It’s the one with the Manatee PSI. You sent me all those things when I was in need, it’s time I did something for you. :) It was not an announcement, I chose to go and get a gift. You can call me Elena, or just Cutie. :D

          • #720043


            Hi cutie, thanks a bunch for the gift. If you don’t mind this question, do you want the swing for yourself or to trade? I like to help others get the things they want, but can’t supply trade items. I don’t get my items for free, and like to pick who gets them myself. DF

            • #720192


              Hey, Dogfish! I’m glad you liked the gift. I find a bunch of interesting things in my dock if I look once in a while. XD Oh, of course I don’t mind answering a question! Well, I would not ask for what I could possibly get myself; I know you must get a lot of requests every day Dogfish, and I would feel terrible for taking items just for trade. I do love the eStore PSIs, and I think the purple duck swing would fit into my room better with my other items than the one I currently have. What would you want to trade the swing for? :D Thanks, once again.

            • #720194


              Would you accept Cool Cat String Swing for it? Or did you like something else I had? JLMK.

          • #720212


            Hi cutienyy, the problem I have trading is I don’t need anything, just waiting on the new March PSI right now, and the new gemster, I have the cat swing. Sorry about the question, cutieny, but I did see you traded the fairy den dress I gifted to you pretty quickly. I scan the forums, and don’t miss much. I will think about the swing and let you know. DF

            • #720235


              I am ashamed that you had to see that. I did not want to finish the trade later on, and decided I wanted to collect promo instead of trading promo for promo. However, there was forum traffic at the time and T_T did not get the message and was disappointed when I told her I was quitting the trade, and I felt bad, so I went through with it anyway.It was not my favorite trade and not one of my best moments. I communicated mostly through posting as forums, and they were deleted, so it can’t be proved. I could ask T_T, though. I just want you to know that I didn’t mean to do so, and it’s not T_T’s fault either. I wish I could earn your trust back, I would do what you told me to. I can’t take it back, and I’m sorry. I can’t change your mind, but I just want you to know that I did not intend to trade the dress you gave me.

            • #720241


              You know what, I have no excuses to make, only to say that I traded the dress at the end because I felt bad that the other trader was disappointed when I wanted to call it off. I’m sorry, I can’t change your mind or gain your trust again, but I hope you know that I’m sincere. Thanks, anyway, for trying to forgive me.

            • #720372


              Cutieny, once I gift an item to you , it is yours, I read all those posts and that was a bad trade. The den dress is worth much more than the other promo dress. You had to spend a lot to get it, not just buy an estore bed.  I am not upset with you and will try to help you as much as I can, TTYL DF

            • #720389


              DF, I figured it was not a great trade when I read your posts when you were talking to Leah about the values of promo items. I never used to have any of those promo items or estore stuffs; I didn’t know they existed. (You know, parents try to keep you away from things that cost more money. ) So I’m just catching up. I’m just sorry. I’m sorry that I keep apologizing too, because I just seem to keep on doing things wrong! It’s just…thanks for having the patience with me. I will ask you about values whenever I am unsure. It must be hard to trust me. All I can say is that I swear I won’t make you regret it. Thanks for everything. CNY

            • #720543


              Oh! And thank you for offering to help me out, it really is a generous offer. Thanks. :)

    3. #719162

      DOGFISH, Just wanted to ask quickly if you ever found one of those Rainy Rainbow Windows? Would love to trade for one! Sorry, don’t mean to interrupt, just curious. Thanks.

    4. #719156


      Hi Chloe! You haven’t sent stuff yet but I really want to thank you for the offer to send the clothing and for all the generous gifts you sent before. I’m sorry that i don’t have anything really good to give in return so i just keep sending food. I’ve only been looking for kinzstyle deluxe clothing and seeds these days. Thanks so much again for your generosity. ~gaudi

      • #719339


        Hi Lady, oh OK, silly me. I will be happy to send you the twelve items, I bought a bunch of extras to gift away. Which seeds do you need, I may have extras. I don’t think I have extra banana split right now, but have some others. No need to send anything big, I would prefer you keep your stuff to trade. TTYL Chloe PS if you get any friend request soon, it’s me, so I can send all today.

    5. #719059


      Hey Chloe. Thanks so much for your generosity. If you need anything PLMK. I would really like the chance to show my thanks. ladygaudiel

      • #719114


        Hi lady, LOL what did I send you? I saw you needed something on a forum, could you remind me? Was it the new clothes? I had to empty an entire room, so I sent stuff out randomly last night. I could not kinz post for two days, so I got very behind. I still need to give away a ton, I’m trying to get my dock close to normal. If you get any weird gifts, you will know why, LMK what you need, I may have it sitting in my dock. Chloe

        • #719130


          Hey Dogfish. I heard somewhere that you had the new eStore Duckie Swings. I would love to have a Purple duckie swing, I have a Cool Cat String Swing and some retired PSI, Ornate Oriental Spa, some others. What would you want for one of them?

          • #719155


            Hi cutie, yes I have some of those. I f you read my post, you saw where most were spoken for right now. I already gave two to my bff and I won’t have extra to trade until next month. I’m trying to keep one of each for my own accounts, because I don’t know which one I’ll be using. DF

            • #719322


              Okay. I made a whole forum to search for one thing. XD But will you LMK when you get more, and maybe tell me if you’ll ever be willing to trade? That would be great. :) Thanks.

            • #719519


              Hi again!I may have heard about your birthday somewhere…. :) I’ll try to find something decent for a gift. So, uh, Happy early birthday, dogfish! (PS, also, JLMK when your stock of Duck Swings are back, I would love to finally work out an actual trade with you.) :D Happy B-day!

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