Trading Time

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Time

This topic contains 41 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  cece945 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #612859


    I have the slippers! Can you post a list of clothing or if you have swings or slides? I am looking for the canary bird swing mostly! PLMK

    1. #613017


      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-06-06 at 10:16 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-06 at 09:58 PM

      soccerplayer15 wrote on 2012-06-06 at 01:23 PM
      I am looking for shutter shades, nafaria’s slippers, bunny hoodie, golden kinzstyle sandals, and the vintage glam outfit. I have most of the super beds, tons of exclusives, rare, tons of pet special items, kinzstyle clothing, deluxe clothing, retired clothing, retired furniture, signature pet items, and tons of other things. Just ask me if I have it. :)

      Hi Soccer player
      I have extra slippers,extra shuts (and dq if you are reading this, I have more than one pair and one is yours LOL) extra bunny hoody and extra vintage glam outfit I would be happy to trade with you!
      What deluxe clothing items do you have? Do you have webkinz cares stuff? Rare/retired wardrobes?
      Nuttybuddy :)

      Hey, if the owner doesn’t need your shuts (or if you have more than two pairs), may I ask what you’re looking for for them? I don’t know if I’ll have what you need, but I’d like to try. Please let me know.

      HI :)

      Please make a list in case the forum owner doesnt want/need them :P

      I like wardrobes, rare clothing, deluxe clothing retired exclusives (not the recently retired lol) seeds, POTM stuff….pretty much anything LOL I would have to say rare clothing and deluxe clothing (as long as I dont have it already LOL) is at the tip top of my list….my biggest hugest want is kimmy overalls….do you by chance have those?


    2. #613014

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-06 at 09:58 PM

      soccerplayer15 wrote on 2012-06-06 at 01:23 PM
      I am looking for shutter shades, nafaria’s slippers, bunny hoodie, golden kinzstyle sandals, and the vintage glam outfit. I have most of the super beds, tons of exclusives, rare, tons of pet special items, kinzstyle clothing, deluxe clothing, retired clothing, retired furniture, signature pet items, and tons of other things. Just ask me if I have it. :)

      Hi Soccer player
      I have extra slippers,extra shuts (and dq if you are reading this, I have more than one pair and one is yours LOL) extra bunny hoody and extra vintage glam outfit I would be happy to trade with you!
      What deluxe clothing items do you have? Do you have webkinz cares stuff? Rare/retired wardrobes?
      Nuttybuddy :)

      Hey, if the owner doesn’t need your shuts (or if you have more than two pairs), may I ask what you’re looking for for them? I don’t know if I’ll have what you need, but I’d like to try. Please let me know.

    3. #613012


      soccerplayer15 wrote on 2012-06-06 at 01:23 PM

      I am looking for shutter shades, nafaria’s slippers, bunny hoodie, golden kinzstyle sandals, and the vintage glam outfit. I have most of the super beds, tons of exclusives, rare, tons of pet special items, kinzstyle clothing, deluxe clothing, retired clothing, retired furniture, signature pet items, and tons of other things. Just ask me if I have it. :)

      Hi Soccer player

      I have extra slippers,extra shuts (and dq if you are reading this, I have more than one pair and one is yours LOL) extra bunny hoody and extra vintage glam outfit I would be happy to trade with you!

      What deluxe clothing items do you have? Do you have webkinz cares stuff? Rare/retired wardrobes?

      Nuttybuddy :)

    4. #613005

      I have the vintage glam top and skirt if you still need them. Let me know!

    5. #613002


      CookieBear567 wrote on 2012-06-06 at 04:54 PM

      soccerplayer15 wrote on 2012-06-06 at 01:23 PM
      I am looking for shutter shades, nafaria’s slippers, bunny hoodie, golden kinzstyle sandals, and the vintage glam outfit. I have most of the super beds, tons of exclusives, rare, tons of pet special items, kinzstyle clothing, deluxe clothing, retired clothing, retired furniture, signature pet items, and tons of other things. Just ask me if I have it. :)

      Hello! I have the golden kinzstyle sandals and the vintage glam outfit. I’ve been needing some deluxe clothing, BTW.

      What Deluxe clothing, I might have some. :) PLMK! -Drafthorse1

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