trading trading & guess what? TRADING!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives trading trading & guess what? TRADING!

This topic contains 56 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  CrazyCooterCantCatchCats 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #726339

    Hi! This is where you post your Trading List and you trade for other stuff that people have! I’ll post my list once this is up.

    1. #727699

      CCCCC, Are you still intrested in my Over the rainbow ride? I put it off hold because the person hasn’t responded in a few days. PLMKSNOL

    2. #727623

      I am interested in your pilgrim dress and bonnet. Did you complete your zodiac clothing, or do you still need something?

    3. #727382


      hey CCCCC what do you want for the dapper casual top? I don’t have priceless so please don’t ask for that. PLMK if you are looking for rares or clothes or whatever.

    4. #727016


      hey CCCCC, the bust for the pet coat sounds great. My un is rockcliff. Do you want to send?

    5. #726811

      Pippa- i will trade the Bust for the coat/vest/jacket/whateves. Janeongreen- i need checkered shirt and/or seashell shoes. what do you need? i have hondwon golf shoes.

      • #727275

        I liked the wedding dress and veil. I will hold those two items for you. I will post the rest of my clothes soon!

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