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This topic contains 5,584 replies, has 132 voices, and was last updated by webkinzfun7478 5 months, 1 week ago.
February 24, 2014 at 2:28 pm #858317
February 6, 2019 at 8:50 am #1789426
Hi i was wondering if there were going to be any new webkinz plush pets this year? So far it has been TWO months and NO new plush pets!! I am getting concered that they are no longer going to make new plush pets and instead just have the pet of the month for the plush pet instead of a new plush pet! :(
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January 28, 2019 at 9:26 am #1786814
Have we heard any updates about the plush line? I’m so very curious as to where we’d get them once they come out.
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February 4, 2019 at 9:15 am #1788520
Hmm, I think we’re not getting any plush pets because some of the virtual pets have a harder thing so they can’t make them into plush pets.
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January 21, 2019 at 9:42 am #1765850
It is 8:56 P.M., Sunday, January 20th, 2019. I’m @IndigoZap, @MintyKinz467, and @MLP. This is my story called Snowball And The Ancestor Lie… Enjoy, everyone!!!
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February 25, 2019 at 9:06 am #1793720
(1) Mrs. Silversoft and Mr. Silversoft were getting ready for Snowball’s 16th birthday. “Alright, so who’s all coming over?” Mr. Silversoft asked Mrs. Silversoft. “Hmm, let’s see. Pikachu, Starlight, Skye, Lightning, Emily, Tallulah, and Tall Shadow,”. Mrs. Silversoft said reading a list of Snowball’s friends that she had invited to his party from her phone. Suddenly, the door slammed open. “I’m here!” Pikachu said as he ran inside, dragging Tall Shadow along with him. “Oh hi, Pikachu! Hi, Tall Shadow!” Mr. Silversoft said. “Hey, Mr. Silversoft! Hey, Mrs. Silversoft!” Pikachu said noticing that Tall Shadow wasn’t saying anything. “Psssst. Tall Shadow!” Pikachu said whispering to his pal’s ear. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” (Pronounced as “Anythaaaaang?”) Tall Shadow who slowly looked up at Pikachu said, “Pikachu, I didn’t exactly want to come here. There’s going to be barely anyone I know here but Snowball and his parents.” Tall Shadow said silently. “Ohhh, right. Mrs. Silversoft, who all is coming?” Pikachu asked and he raised his volume of his voice. “Okay, hold on, let me get back to the list.” Mrs. Silversoft said as she got out her phone and check. When she went to…..
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February 25, 2019 at 9:06 am #1793722
(2)… me get back to the list.” Mrs. Silversoft said as she got out her phone and check. When she went to her “notes” app on her phone, something happened. “Um, what is happening?” she asked as her phone went crazy going into a lot of colors. Then, it turned off. “That was weird.” Pikachu said to Snowball’s mom. Mrs. SIlversoft got back into her phone and checked the notes app. “Uh, what happened? *gasp* It deleted everything off my Notes app!” Mrs. SIlversoft exclaimed. “Oh no!” Pikachu said. “Do you remember who was coming?” “I think it was Tallulah, Starlight, Emily, and ohh, what was that one pet’s name?” Mr. Silversoft asked forgetting about Lightning. “Yay! Do you hear that, Starlight? People you know are coming!” Pikachu said happily and be bounced around the Silversoft home. Tall Shadow sighed with relief. I’m so glad that Lightning isn’t coming. Come to think of it, he’s come to everything that Snowball or his parents have ever hosted. Tall Shadow thought silently to herself as a knock on the door was hear. “I wonder who that could be?” Mrs. SIlversoft said with a grin as she walked…
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February 25, 2019 at 9:06 am #1793724
(3) (I mean’t “heard” in the last sentence. Not “hear”! Sorry about that, guys!) … “I wonder who that could be?” Mrs. SIlversoft said with a grin as she walked to the door and opened it. “Surprise!” Starlight, Emily, and Tallulah said altogether as they walked into the Silversoft home. “Emily, Starlight, Tallulah! Welcome!” Mrs. Silversoft said as she welcomed the trio into the house. “I wouldn’t miss it for the sunset!” Tallulah said. “This is awesome! Snowball has never invited me to one of his parties before. I’m so glad I could come now!” Emily said. “Yeeeeehaw!” Starlight said. “Finally I can say ‘Happy Birthday’ this February like a mouse in the Atlantic ocean! Wahooo!” “Ooh, and you have countryisms! Just like Clyde!” Pikachu said. “Hey, where is Snowball?” Tall Shadow asked. “Oh, he said he’d be here in an hour. He’s currently skateboarding with some friends. While we’re waiting for him, we can decorate. “Remember last year when he had a spaghetti theme?” Tallulah asked. Then Tall Shadow said “And when Dr. Quack gave him that mysterious gold coin-” “-that lead…..
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February 25, 2019 at 9:06 am #1793726
(4) … Quack gave him that mysterious gold coin-” “-that lead us to a treasure hunt and we got all of the spaghetti we wanted!!??” Pikachu said finishing Tall Shadow’s sentence. “Good old memories. Wasn’t April Magic(@PixelTrix Remember theevilpompom and theevilbubblegum?) and Blissful Winter(@PurpleFox) there, too?” Starlight asked. “Yup!” Mrs. Silversoft said.
~~~~~ Snowball, Lightning, and Commander Hurricane were skateboarding- well Snowball and Commander Hurricane were. Lightning was um… driving a car alongside of them because he “claims” that he knows how to skateboard but doesn’t want to ruin his paws because he wants to look really nice because he knows Tall Shadow is gonna be there. “Come on, Commander!” Snowball said as he skateboarded faster. Then, Commander ZOOMED past him. “Try to beat that, KNOWball!” Commander said. (Anyone remember Knowball? XD) Lightning on the other hoof, was um… not exactly… -
February 25, 2019 at 9:06 am #1793728
(5) .. racing them. He was coming his fur and putting on “LePaw de Purrfume of LePurris Prance” (it’s a working title, dudes and dudettes) perfume. “I can’t stand it. Lighning is going to smell light cotton candy, roses, sandalwood, and Fruit Loops at my party.” Snowball said. “Don’t worry, Snows. I understand him because I try to impress girls I like too.” Commander Hurricane said. Snowball, who rolled his eyes said, “I doubt Starlight will be there,”. “But wasn’t she there at your last party?” Commander Hurricane asked. “Well yes, but-” “And you’re mom is probably gonna invite her. And hey, aren’t Hope and Skye coming?” Commander asked. “I think so!” Snowball said. “Okay, we’re here.” Snowball said as he and Commander Hurricane flipped their skateboards up and put them down. “Lightning watch out for our skate-” Then Lightning ran over Commander Hurricane and Snowball’s skateboards. “boards.” “Whoops. Well, say hello to Mr. Handsome,” Lightning said as he came out of the car. They’re jaws dropped. …
February 25, 2019 at 9:13 am #1793730
(6).. “So how do I look, roughmen?” Lightning said. Commander Hurricane and Snowball were speechless. “Uhh, Lightning? This is a 16-year old’s birthday party. Not a 47-year old’s grand galloping gala.” Commander Hurricane said while Snowball was speechless. Then, Hope and Skye came running past them swiftly and Hope said to Skye, “Um, was that…?” then Skye said to Hope “-… in an um…?” “Yeah…” Hope said as they opened the door. “Was that Kasey?” Snowball said. “I think it was Leopardstar.” Commander Hurricane said. “Looked more like Violet to me.” Snowball said. “Eh, she looked like Avalon.” Commander Hurricane. “Yay! A party with female spotted leopards!” Lightning said as he knocked on the door.
~~~~ “Yikes!” Pikachu said. “Hopefully Tall Shadow didn’t hear.” he said as he looked over where Tall Shadow was. “Starlight, be careful! This spaghetti lamps wasn’t cheap,” Tall Shadow said as Starlight was balancing on a ladder. (6)…. -
February 25, 2019 at 9:13 am #1793732
(7) … “Also, he spelled like cotton candy, roses, sandalwood, and Fruit Loops!” Hope said. “I’m just glad we got here before he started to notice me and flirt,” Skye said. “The door’s knocking,” Emily said. “I’ll get it.” Mr. Silversoft said as he walked over to the door and opened it. “Snowball, it’s good to see you!” he said hugging Snowball. “Hi dad!” “And hey, Commander! And- Clyde?” Mr. Silversoft said mistaking Lightning for Clyde. “No, I’m-” “Ahh, River. You smell-” “No, I’m-” “Fallen Leaves, it’s so good to-” “No, I’m-” “Well hey, Louis!” “No, I’m” “Mr. Storms! So good to see you! It’s been-” “No, I’m-” “Mrs. Storms! Is that a rope around your neck?” “No, I’m-” “Canyon!!!” “NO, I AM LIGHTNING!” Lightning said to Mr. Silversoft a bit angrily because he kept on mistaking him for other people. Tall Shadow, who instantly saw Lightning started to cling to the ladder. “Hey!” Starlight said as the ladder tipped over as Starlight fell. At least the spaghetti chandelier was on the ceiling now. (7) …
February 25, 2019 at 9:13 am #1793736
(9) … Then, as everyone looked at Lightning, the song This is Not A Test by TobyMac came on. Tall Shadow gulped as Lightning walked to her. Then, Skye walked over to Lightning and politely said, “Lightning… Tall Shadow is a scared, shy, snow leopard. Leave her alone. She’ll never accept you as a friend if you constantly do this to her! Unlike me, Leopardstar, Violet, Avalon, Piper, Snowy Dreams, and a bunch of other people, she’s scared and doesn’t have enough guts to stand up for herself. Please leave her alone,” Skye said. Lightning who looked confused said, “Oh Tally, you remind me of a shadow. A, a tall shadow. And the only one I know who has a tall shadow is you. Your kindness and your-” “We get it, bro,” Starlight said. “Ah-hem. Now that the drama is over, it’s somebody’s 16th birthday, everyone.” Mr. Silversoft said as he let Snowball in the house. “Happy Birthday, Snowball!” everyone said. “Okay, so presents first!” Mrs. Silversoft said. Then, everyobe went into the living room, and watched Snowball open his presents. (9)
February 25, 2019 at 9:13 am #1793740
(10) (The original Snowball story was 10 parts long… until my comments got cut off, that is.) “Open this one first!” Hope said as she gave Snowball a big present. “Hm, I wonder what it could be!” Snowball said as he scratched the wrapping paper off of it with his paws. “*gasp* Oh my gosh! Hope, YOU GOT ME IT!” Snowball said. “Got what?” Pikachu asked curiously. “Hope got me a “dat boi” frog plush!” “A what?” Starklight asked. “A “DAT BOI” plush!” Hope replied. “Umm…?” Lightning said confused. “Okay, so a while ago at the park, me, Rogue, and a few more friends saw a frog. And then the thing “dat boi” goes there, and “dat boi” goes everywhere became a thing!” Pikachu said. “Uhhhh…?” Skye said confused. (Dad’s making chocolate drops, wahoo!) “Open your next gift!” A voice called out. It was Coco. “Coco?” Snowball said. “Heeeere!” Coco said as she threw a bag to Snowball. “It’s a tie… I don’t wear ties..” Snowball said. “You will now!” COco said. (10) …
March 25, 2019 at 9:19 am #1812154
(11) … Snowball just rolled his eyes. It was horrible, he didn’t even know how to put on a tie. Put Kailie, another one of his friends, did. Then, a big present landed on his lap. “And this is from…?” Snowball questioned. “-me! Can’t you read the tags? I says-” Pikachu said but then Snowball read the To and From’s. ” ‘To: Zuompell From: b!|<e)n' What does that even mean?" Snowball wondered. "Can't up read upsidedownwards(a new word!)?! If you flip it, it says 'Lo: Snowball |=Lnw: Pikachu'", Pikachu explained. "Ohhh!" Snowball said as he opened his gift. "Ta-da!! Remember my first Pikachusent's Day speech in 2017?" Pikachu asked. "Yes.", Snowball replied. "Well, HERE YOU ARE! A COOKIE ATM!!!!!!!!!!!!“, Pikachu shouted happily! “Oh my, Pikachu! How did you ever manage to find a cookie ATM?” Tall Shadow asked amazed that her friend actually got one, but a little embarrassed and scared at the same time. “I asked a kooky inventor, Summer Snow to make it for me- Snowball!” Pikachu exclaimed. (11) …
March 25, 2019 at 9:19 am #1812156
(12) Starlight, Snowball, and Lightning hit their heads with their paws. Their hilarious and silly friend Pikachu got their other fun friend, Summer Snow(@FoxesRule612) to actually make a cookie ATM. It was unbelievable. “Well believe it or not, I DID IT!!” Pikachu said happily. “I think you’ll like this gift!” Skye said as she got up and gave Snowball the present she got for him. She forgot to put it in the pile due to all of the dramatic commotion earlier. While Skye was passing, she passed Lightning who deeply sniffed her tail. “Ah, roses. You are as pretty as o-” Lightning said but next coughed because it WASN’T roses. It was vinegar mixed with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Skye looked back awkwardly and then she sat down. “OOOH! SONIC ALL STARS RACING TRANSFORMED FOR THE NINTENDO SWITCH! Thanks, Skye!” Snowball said with a grin. “No problem! I knew you would like it! And it’s not suppose to come out until May 21st, but I snuck(it is a word, Goofle) this one,” Skye said. (12)
March 25, 2019 at 9:19 am #1812162
(13) .. Snowball next opened a present from Tallulah. “Wow, it’s a… it’s a… it’s a…” Snowball said trying to understand what Tallulah gave him. “It’s… IT’S A TURTLE! A turtle in a… in a… in a… vase?” Snowball wondered. “Yes! And those flowers are periwinkles!” Tallulah said. “Hmm… like Perriwinkle Lavender Ocean… ;)” Hope commented. Soon, Snowball opened all of the presents his friends had given him. (If you guys want to suggest a present from a specific pet, you can. I’ll just put that part in a different post.) Then, his mom went into another room and gave Snowball a present with golden wrapping. “Whoa! I’ve never had a present that looked like this! Thanks, Mom!”, Snowball said as he opened it. “A… a compass? It looks, rusty…” Snowball said holding the golden-rusted compass. “This was your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather’s compass. He was a brave explorer. He even knew George Washingkitten.”, Mrs. Silversoft said. (That’s one of the lies, btw) (13)
July 8, 2019 at 9:14 am #2016419
(14) Snowball, amazed by what his mom said astonishingly said, “Wow…”. “Yeah, legen has it that if you follow the compass it will lead to justice.” Mrs. SIlversoft said. “Justice?” Hope questioned. “Yes. Snowball’s great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was respected, but not well liked.” Mrs. Silversoft said. Everyone was silent. Everyone but Lightning. “Hey Knowball! You gonna open mine or what?” Lightning asked impatiently. “Oh, um. Yeah!” Snowball said opening Lightning’s strange smelling gift. When he opened it, it was a singing picture card of Lightning. Or at least, it looked like it. “Lightning! Is this you?” Snowball asked. “Ha, I am pretty handsome, aren’t I? It’s practically me! It is.. Gninthgil!” Lightning boasted. “Who’s Gone Mint Bill?” Pikachu asked. “It’s pronounce Guh-nin-teh-hug-eel! Anyways, he’s my favorite great grandpa!” Lightning said. “He’s your only great grandpa.” Starlight said. Tall Shadow gulped. Seeing Lightning’s great grandpa was terrifying. She was imagining how 2050 would be like. (14)
July 8, 2019 at 9:14 am #2016421
(14) Tim would be older, Nikko would be huge, PIkachu would be a crazy old guy, and Lightning would look like that Gninthgil guy. She was scared. Imagining herself, a shy tall old lady, being chased by this crazy cougar who has yellow, crooked teeth. Grey fur with wrinkly, sharp purple eyes. A cane with scary lizard designs all over it. And him chasing her singing, “I gotta lot of grey fur for youuuuuuuu!”. It was a disaster just imagining it! She wished she could be locked up in her home– or even Rey’s home because Rey wouldn’t bother her. She’d rather be stuck in a room with Daisy Doe in the winter making delicious, warm, fresh vegetarian soup with cilantro on it with carrots, celery, rutabagas, onion, radishes, and all sorts of delicious and yummy vegetables than being stuck her entire life with Lightning chasing after her as an old man with wrinkly green eyes, with a cane made out of string cheese with Pikachu and his Dex Dangerous club. Even worse, Clint and Loki as old guys loving unicorns and pegasai! Tall Shadow was terrified. (14)
March 1, 2019 at 9:15 am #1795496
Goodness gracious, I think this might be the best story you’ve ever posted, MLP!! =D I read what you have so far, and I honestly love it! I’ve been laughing almost the whole way through, hahaha X,D Gosh, those parts with Tall Shadow and Lightining are absolutely hilarious :,) I can’t wait to post a more detailed response once it’s finished! ^u^
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January 7, 2019 at 9:21 am #1759074
Any idea if we will see plush pets in Feb since we didn’t see any in January?
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January 8, 2019 at 8:56 am #1762320
I’m wondering the same thing! I sure hope Ganz isn’t abandoning their plush line… 0_0 They used to make (on average) 2 a month prior to last year, then production went down to only 1 new plush per month, and now this. It’s strange they didn’t at least say something regarding the lack of new plush this month, considering I’m sure we’re not the only two members who noticed. However, they’re still making a lot of virtuals… =P I know virtual-only pets are a lot easier (and cheaper) for Ganz to produce, but plushes are what made the game great, in my opinion! I’d much rather dish out the extra money and buy myself a real, physical item as opposed to some pixels on a computer.
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January 9, 2019 at 1:11 pm #1762768
Yeah, I was wondering that too. ~09xStarlightx09 I LOVE YOUR USERNAMMMME!
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December 17, 2018 at 9:07 am #1754202
Hey guys, I randomly found my first reply to Fallkinz. : https://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/forums/topic/upcoming-pets/ It only shows parts 3 to 5, so parts 1 to 2 must’ve not have gotten moderated. Also, the roleplay isn’t going to go like that. It’s going to go like the one on page 2. Enjoy, everyone!
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