Username History!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Username History!

This topic contains 342 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Bali_Tiger 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #760472

    Do you have a backstory of how you got your username? Post it here! Okay, so my user name, stylized is OCarinaoftime, because I love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. the capital OC is because I love OWL CITY! So, yeah. That’s all! Um, yeah. Post your history below! ~OCarina

    1. #823970


      Hi Gold, thanks for looking at my offer. I have several forums now but you should check out Atomton’s First Trade List and Cuckoo Cat Clock! If you have it, could I trade the table for the gas pump? Any other retired exclusive will work. Thank you for the package! I really need small decorations to finish some of my small rooms. I sent you invitations to my party so I really hope that you can come! Peace be with you always!-Atom

      • #824330

        I’ll see what I have in terms of retired exclusives. And I’ll look at your trade lists and see what I can trade for! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

    2. #823628


      My username is TinaKitty24 because “Tina” is my nickname and I LOVE cats AND 24 is one of my favorite numbers! :) :o 8-) ;)

    3. #823515


      Gold, I just got another one and sent it to you! You now should have the cabin! Do not worry, no need to send anything back! I got it from my friend as a return gift! Again no worries he does it out of his pure heart!! I have no idea about pronouns, I guess we are annonomous! LOL! Probably spelled it wrong! Please check out my trade list and look at my offer! Have a nice day!-Atom

    4. #823445


      Gold, by the way I am a christian! I love this forum because so many people have inspired me! You are amazing in many ways. I am in Boy Scouts, so yeah! Please do check on my forum, because maybe I have something you need. I need a lot so maybe we can help each other out! I have a gemstone table (retired) exlcusive if you would like it! This offer is only for you Gold and my best friends! I want to give to my BFF’s on WW first. As of what I wish just reply anything and I will say yes/no! I need a lot so most likely it would be a yes. Please check out Mandisa’s freedom cd.  Have a nice day-  Atom

      • #823554

        Thanks! What is your forum called? Sure I’ll take the gemstone table! Is there anything specific you would like in return? Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

    5. #823130


      LOVE all these stories! I don’t really have one unfortunately. I just thought it was a witty name! Thanks for your time.

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