Username History!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Username History!

This topic contains 342 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Bali_Tiger 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #760472

    Do you have a backstory of how you got your username? Post it here! Okay, so my user name, stylized is OCarinaoftime, because I love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. the capital OC is because I love OWL CITY! So, yeah. That’s all! Um, yeah. Post your history below! ~OCarina

    1. #824618


      Oh, what did you get in your loot bag? I threw 3 parties in a row trying to get a sparkler! If you got it and have extra, could you please send! It would as always be appreciated. Would the purple sparkling dancing shoes be ok. I also got the party banner and Sweet Treat Poster along with candy. Peace-Atom

    2. #824617


      Hi Gold, thank you for coming to my party and for the package! I hope you like the Gemstone Table! I am so glad I have a friend like you! Could you please send some help in Goober’s Adventure? I am really stuck on level 3-6 or 3-7, I don’t remember which one! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Check your Dock because when I logged on today I saw 3 E-store items that were free from Ganz-Estore! I got the Halloween Dance Walls& Floors and Halloween Dance Music Station! I am so happy because I am a regular member and therefore don’t have E-store! Peace-Atom

    3. #824477


      Ok thank you for checking! Do you need anything? I can look around for you! Also, do you like getting gifts? I love logging on and seeing a surprise gift here and there! I might send you someting soon so keep checking your account! Peace, joy, and happiness from me to you!-Atom

    4. #824029


      Hi Gold, I saw your post. Thank you for the package! I am currently working on my (small rooms) and any decorations that you have plenty off could you please send? I will send you something good sometime soon hopefully. How long have you been playing on WW? Meaning what year did you start? If you have a lava lamp, elephant fountain, gas pump, or anything else please post. Peace be with you and have a nice day! :)-Atom

      • #824333

        I might have the Elephant Fountain I’ll check…. I started webkinz sometime in March 2008. Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

        • #824579

          Thanks for the table! I had a great time at your party! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

    5. #823994


      My webkinz username is linghayley. My very first webkinz was a panda that I named Ling-Ling and my mom suggested making my username a shared version of Ling-Ling’s and my name, Hayley. So I got linghayley out of it! it’s a very sentimental username for me.

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