Webkinz building kits for FREE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz building kits for FREE!

This topic contains 188 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  readingrocks 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #778607


    Hey everyone! Is there a building kit that you want that is either deluxe so you can’t get it, or you just don’t have enough friends to finish it? Just tell me which one you want and your username and I can make it for you! Please don’t ask for all of them though, only one at a time.
    Also, please check out my trading forum to see if you are interested in anything off my trade list and of course to see if you have anything on my wish list ;)

    1. #786709


      puppy- I need six more screws and two jam jars- so I hope I get them today so I can send you your machine. Lamb- I am working on a crystal falls also so let me know who on this forum I should send it to for you! I also have a high dive building kit that i will start next with another jam machine- I think this is so sweet of you to do Lamb! I like helping……

      • #787193


        Thanks crissy! And I can see you like helping :) Preddypree needs a crystal falls kit so that would be nice if you have that for them! Thanks, LT!

    2. #786545


      Puppylover- I am hoping your machine will get finished being built today and then I will send it to you. I should have sent you the first one- that girl never even said thank you for the one I sent her….

    3. #785757


      Hi I am preddypree and I would really love the crystal falls kit. I bet U get a lot of requests for this, but I would really appreciate if U would consider gifting me a crystal falls kit. Thank u for ur time!! have a good weekend

      • #787195


        Sure I can get you one!! I will need your Webkinz username to send it to you though. Thanks, LT :)

      • #787205


        Hi preddypree I am working on a crystal falls kit right now and would be happy to send it to you one it is finished. Just send me a friend request and if Lamb hasn’t already promised it to someone else I will send it to you. If he has, I have another one I can build and send to you but it may take a little bit of time. Lamb, let me know where I should send #1 and #2 thank you crissy135

    4. #785743


      Okay, I’m 1pawprint2011 on webkinz. Thank you so much!

    5. #785069


      Belle i got your friend request today and I will send you the machine-I hope you like it! And puppylover please remind me of your user name-I wuill build another one and send it to you

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