webkinz fairy god mother 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives webkinz fairy god mother 2

This topic contains 223 replies, has 80 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #795170


    hello i want to help make peoples wishes come true so i will try to grant your wish . i can grant estore points but only like 1000 or 2000 points . i can also give u kinz style shop stuff and deluxe stuff i also have some priceless but those are a maybe . i will try to find rares that u might want and i can try to get psi and other stuff so yeah u know what i mean! im here for u and open for the job! (by the way, u can make more than 1 wish just try to make less that 3 so i have stuff for other people!) i have my wand in my hand just in need of people! fairy dust whoosh!

    1. #805967

      Hey I was wondering if you had anything from the santakinz room theme or the macaroni and cheese seed. thanks so much my username is pigsrock9876. thanks!!!

      • #819405


        i do not have either will look for it though!

    2. #805758


      Hi ladeeda, you are such a nice person to be giving items away. I was wondering if you had a wacky gumdrop seed, a premium organic juicer, a fat car racer, or any thing from the quizzy game show room. my username is brownsuger1234567890 (sugar is spelled with a “e”) thanks so much even if you don’t have these items!!!

      • #819404


        i dont have any will look for em though!

    3. #805735


      Oh my goodness thank you thank you thank you sooo much!!! I am very well on my way with this gem room now thanks to both you and the other fairy godmother!!! You have made my day!!! -handstand5

    4. #805380


      can i please have a super bed box? my user is the same

      • #819403


        i do not have any but i might in future

    5. #804880


      I wold like a neo gothic coffe table, wall paper, or flooring. I want you to pick one as a surprise Thogh don’t tell me which one your sending! my webkinz user is e459d.

      • #819401


        i dont have it but do u need neogothic bed?

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