webkinz fairy god mother 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives webkinz fairy god mother 2

This topic contains 223 replies, has 80 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #795170


    hello i want to help make peoples wishes come true so i will try to grant your wish . i can grant estore points but only like 1000 or 2000 points . i can also give u kinz style shop stuff and deluxe stuff i also have some priceless but those are a maybe . i will try to find rares that u might want and i can try to get psi and other stuff so yeah u know what i mean! im here for u and open for the job! (by the way, u can make more than 1 wish just try to make less that 3 so i have stuff for other people!) i have my wand in my hand just in need of people! fairy dust whoosh!

    1. #808703


      OMG. I forgot to add my daughters user name. It is 5447472. Once again, thank you for what you are doing.

      • #810239


        She now has the medieval bed. Her biggest wish is the pink and purple royal royal wallpaper and flooring. Thank you for taking the time and helping others out.

    2. #808702


      What a wonderful thing you are doing. My daughter is working on a Persian room theme but has not been able to get the flooring or dining chairs. She is also working on the medieval room theme but can’t find a bed. The other room theme she is working on is the pink and purple royal princess theme but she hasn’t been able to get the wall, flooring or bed. If you could help her out with any of those themes she would be happy for days. Thank you so very much.

      • #819408


        i will try to get it for her i know i have something medival

    3. #806880

      could I get the fluttering butterfly hat (thats estore) User name is tigerkitten14

      • #819407


        i have it its just that its not tradeable anything else u need?

    4. #806121


      I got my SWAN DRESS!!! YAY *jumping up and down!* Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!!!! LexyMonster

    5. #806122


      HI ! my wish is for plumpys glasses but if that is too much then any small priceless will do thank you so much my user is Micaela4343 : )

      • #819406


        i do not have them but do u want any slips?

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