webkinz fairy god mother 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives webkinz fairy god mother 2

This topic contains 223 replies, has 80 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #795170


    hello i want to help make peoples wishes come true so i will try to grant your wish . i can grant estore points but only like 1000 or 2000 points . i can also give u kinz style shop stuff and deluxe stuff i also have some priceless but those are a maybe . i will try to find rares that u might want and i can try to get psi and other stuff so yeah u know what i mean! im here for u and open for the job! (by the way, u can make more than 1 wish just try to make less that 3 so i have stuff for other people!) i have my wand in my hand just in need of people! fairy dust whoosh!

    1. #795229

      i could always use points but would feel guilty if you just sent. my user is 4555056 and i would love to trade for some thanks

      • #800072


        yeah i do not like when people feel really guilty cuz i know how it feels! i still feel guilty of something but i don’t want u to feel guilty so do u want a super bed box?

    2. #795223


      Hi!! Do you have a ruby window(ruby retriever psi) or sapphire bathtub(sapphire spaniel psi)? If not I also need a candy dress or neo gothic dress. Thank you SO incredibly much!! You are extremely kind to do this. My username eis handstand5 like it is on newz. Thanks!!!

      • #800071


        sadly i do not have any of that psi. would u like garnet psi? it says valued but its really psi!

      • #800195


        my real user katara363

    3. #795221


      Hi do you have the country sensation stage? if you do I would love that! my username is dubdub4 ty! -dub :)

      • #800070


        sadly i doo not have those but as a refund do u want a super bed box? tell me if u do!

    4. #795220

      Hey ladeeda! Sorry for another post, but I figured I should put more detail into my previous post. I would appreciate any estore points (whatever the amount). Priceless would be nice too, but only if you have any to spare, as you did say it would be a maybe. If not any of those, promo items such as the icing on the cake gazebo, fairy den dress or candy dreamland dress would be amazing. Of course, if any of those wishes are unfulfilled, I would love to have any sig psi or neo gothic items. Anything you could send me would be much appreciated, but my top wishes would be any promo, sig psi or priceless. Thanks very much for your time, and don’t worry if you can’t make these wishes come true, because just your offer to grant wishes put a smile on my face. Have a great evening! ~helloprettypanda~

      • #800069


        i think i have a neo gothic bed if u want it and i will try to get u psi but the bed is a yes for sure

    5. #795216

      I would love to have some estore points or psi! If not, that’s okay too. But thanks for offering to do this: this did put a smile on my face. Good luck! ~helloprettypanda~

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