What Pet Should YOU Get? Click Here To Find Out! By: princesscocol:)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives What Pet Should YOU Get? Click Here To Find Out! By: princesscocol:)

This topic contains 73 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  Jakarta 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89720

    <p>Hi! I will tell you what pet should you get! Just tell me: your gender, your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite animal, your personality, your favorite thing(s) to do and your favorite type of music. I will reply ASAP! If you don’t like the pet I choose for you then i’ll try and think of a new pet for you. Oh, and call me pc. Thanks for coming! – pc:)

    1. #662529


      princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-25 at 05:22 PM

      Hi! I will tell you what pet should you get! Just tell me: your gender, your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite animal, your personality, your favorite thing(s) to do and your favorite type of music. I will reply ASAP! If you don’t like the pet I choose for you then i’ll try and think of a new pet for you. Oh, and call me pc. Thanks for coming! – pc:)

      hi!! ok here it is

      gender: girl, NOT A GIRLY GIRL BUT NOT A TOMBOY
      color: DEFINITELY BLUE and green
      food: hmm almost anything from ITALY
      personality: sometimes cool
      music: i like fun music u can dance too not slow music that repeats


      ~blossom~ ;)

    2. #662520


      princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-25 at 05:22 PM

      Hi! I will tell you what pet should you get! Just tell me: your gender, your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite animal, your personality, your favorite thing(s) to do and your favorite type of music. I will reply ASAP! If you don’t like the pet I choose for you then i’ll try and think of a new pet for you. Oh, and call me pc. Thanks for coming! – pc:)

      Green or Yellow and Orange
      Chicken fetta chinnie (Spelled it wrong I KNOW it LOL)
      ANY fox
      Reading Art Animals
      (I am just going to say the singer) Ross Lynch


    3. #662516


      princesscocol wrote on 2012-09-02 at 06:14 PM

      @jackarta—–POM POM KITTY!!!!!!!!
      @watermelonpup100———-THE E-STORE SOUR WATERMELON HOUND!!!!!!!!! OR THE TYE DYED PUPPY OR PONY!!!!!!!!! – pc:)

      Hi Thanks! BTW I have the pom pom kitty. THANKS I will do this agan!


    4. #661848

      princesscocol wrote on 2012-09-02 at 06:14 PM

      @jackarta—–POM POM KITTY!!!!!!!!
      @watermelonpup100———-THE E-STORE SOUR WATERMELON HOUND!!!!!!!!! OR THE TYE DYED PUPPY OR PONY!!!!!!!!! – pc:)

      Thanks!! I personally DON’T like the tye dyed pony and I don’t have e-store. But I love the tie dyed puppy and the watermelon hound. If only I had e-store. Thanks!! (again)

    5. #661409

      @jackarta—–POM POM KITTY!!!!!!!!
      @watermelonpup100———-THE E-STORE SOUR WATERMELON HOUND!!!!!!!!! OR THE TYE DYED PUPPY OR PONY!!!!!!!!! – pc:)

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