What signature pet are you? :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives What signature pet are you? :)

This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #812189

    Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!

    1. #848138

      Jan 11, I’ll be online around 4:00 PM 5:30 PM kinz time probably. :)

      • #848216

        Actually, I’ll adopt my corgi in maybe in a couple of weeks. Her room is not done, that’s why. :( Oh well. I’ll let you know when I do. ;)

    2. #848135

      Welcome beck WPL!!! How are you, and how was your special day? I have to wait until 5/23 for mine. :) Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

    3. #848134

      Hi Snow! :D I read your post, and I play Donkey Kong in Mario Kart sometimes. :) King Boo was the first character I unlocked in MK, and( LOL ) he makes me laugh when he sticks his tongue out when he’s turning. XD :P :P :P I’m really close to unlocking Toadette( I can’t wait!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! ) and today I unlocked the Kamek motorbike( sorry-I can’t really remember the exact name of it-oh wait, now I remember: it’s the magikruiser- I think I spelled it right-correct me if it’s wrong ) and Birdo. I know I told you that I love the good characters, but Donkey Kong is the one and only bad guy that I like. ;) IDK y. I think it’s because I like to play the Donkey Kong game. I also know how to play some of the original DK theme on piano too. Hey, by the way, what do you think of the red plaid scottie dog that sometimes appears while the room is loading? I don’t shop on the e-store, but I like it. :) Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

      • #849701

        I have not seen it……………………………………………………………………………………………. ;)

      • #849717

        I also just unlocked Diddy Kong a few days ago, and now he’s one of my favorite characters. Do you like Diddy Kong, too?

    4. #847695

      WebkinzPlushLover I saw you other post so my response: *Commando Crawls In* “Hi I got the webkinz lil kinz koala. By the way your out of food and your seconds were delicious.” *Smirks* “Also how are you.” *Commando crawls out smoothlyy until hitting a rubbish bin* XD

    5. #847230

      WPL you you you are back *runs and hugs hard* nice to have you back. I am freaking out. IT IS YOU OMG

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