What signature pet are you? :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives What signature pet are you? :)

This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #812189

    Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!

    1. #852538

      I can make this…§ to do that, press alt, then6.

      • #852617

        ♠ a spade> Hmmmm. Do you have another computer?

        • #852737

          I use my parent’s computer, which is an apple. :) We have a windows 7 computer as well, but the internet on that is extremely slow, so we don’t use the internet on that one. It’s still good for making movies, though. ;) I make movies with both computers all the time. I guess some emoticons only work on windows, and some work on apple??? I don’t get it.

          • #852835

            Maybe a different browser, unless you use google chrome then it is the computer. I think I have solutions for the other computer of yours (parents and yours bleh)

            • #852884

              Hi Snow! I believe it’s just the browser because the computer is fine, and there aren’t to many files on it. :) Maybe we should upgrade Internet Explorer. It’s probably outdated. We used to have google chrome on the windows computer and we liked it, but some parts of webkinz wouldn’t work on it. Mostly the games, even though we have flash player. We had to delete google chrome though because we were having a lot of problems with it, and sometimes it would go blank( it would come up with this black screen with a sad face on it ) That mostly happened on webkinz. My Dad disconnected the internet from that computer anyway( he moved the router ). Does your solution have to do with the emoticons? :mrgreen: Also, I don’t get why ”bleh” is for in the above post. :lol: Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

            • #852935

              Me with my little technicalities= bleh. I don’t know why I just do it. Anyways, I know what you mean with google chrome they changed it know it will go blue and have a file that just kinda (I don’t know a way to put it) anyways story: 5 minutes ago I was doing an online test for school, 7 problems in and it did the whole blue thing…. Also have you ever used firefox (a program that I never use but I know thats another browser) maybe upgrade to internet explorer 8 (unless now they have a higher version, I last used the program like 2 years ago. Seems slow to me now because I always use google chrome which is fast for me.)

    2. #851492

      Hi Snow! :mrgreen: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SINK!!! YOU’RE SO GENEROUS!!! :D :D :D Is there anything you need in return? If so let me know.~Sweetzie

      • #851773

        It’s no problem. I just started work on an artist studio. Do you have any pieces that might work there? I am deciding if I am going to want to have the superbed in there ( I have a box to get it but I don’t know if I want to. Maybe at the end I can decide.) Also how do you do the blue faces?

        • #852190

          Hi Snow! I may have some art stuff that would work well. :) I’ll let you know. As for the super bed, a few years ago, I had the art box bed, but I traded it. :( If I still had it, I would’ve sent it to you. The blue faces are called ”mrgreen”. ;) T2MW1 taught me how to do that one, as well as a few others. I’ll show you how to do all of them. : + mrgreen + : = :mrgreen: : + cry + : = :cry: : + oops + : = :oops: Just omit the plus signs. There is also a heart that exists( not this one- <3 it's a heart that is standing up ), but I can't make it on my computer. :( Someone told me to press ''alt'', then 3, but this is what I get- £ a Euro? I've also seen a horse( it looks like a knight horse from Chess ) and a musical note, but IDK how to do that. Have a sweet day!~Piano AKA Sweetzie

    3. #849208

      Sweetzie, do you need any help. I am open to help you out

      • #849231

        Hi Snow! :D I’m fine, don’t worry. Thanks for the offer, though. :) As for the corgi’s bathroom, I’m missing the golden tub and sink from Spree. Unfortunately, I won’t make it to the mall in a super long time. :( I might ask dogfish or Becky if they have extra of those items( if I can find them on here ). However, if there’s anything you need, let me know. ;) Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

        • #849244

          Wait a minute…Snow, actually I do need help. Not here, but on my naming forum on the last page. Someone wants names for their cocoa dinosaur, and I’m stumped. :( Can you help me, please?~Sweetzie

    4. #848219


      Personality:Intelligent, Kind, Easygoing. Color: GREEN, GREEN, GREEN! Food: Sushi. Hobbies:Coin collecting/Rocks, Piano, Language, Cross Country, Baseball, READING! Pet: Frog, Fish, Insects.

      • #849236

        Hi T2MW1! You’re either the signature barn owl( it’s super intelligent ), or the signature panda( loves sushi, and exceptionally playful ). Have a sweet day!~SC

    5. #848139

      Busy…busy busy bee….BUZZZZZZZZ summer break, I’ll be on more.

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