What signature pet are you? :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives What signature pet are you? :)

This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #812189

    Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!

    1. #855551

      Snow, is Atom’s UN history forum existing on your computer? I got e-mails from ganz( moderated posts ) and it’s GONE! I can’t find it!!!!! I looked all over GW. I also clicked the links to the posts in the e-mail, and it said that it can’t be found. :-o What happened??????

      • #855672

        HEY! I just figured out another emoticon! LOL The one above. It’s : + – + o without the plus signs and spaces. :-o This one has a nose…

    2. #854970

      Hi kittykayj! I’m so sorry to reply so late( I forgot ), but you’re the signature snow leopard! It loves winter, and it’s WILD! *rawrrrr* LOL Have a sweet day!~SC

    3. #854166

      If I ever go to DL, I really want to meet them and Olaf. :mrgreen:

      • #854247

        I know. I can’t wait till I eventually go to disney land. I will CUDDLE OLAF TO DEATH. I also really want to see Hans though. I mean to me he’s not a bad guy. I mean think about his life at the sounthern Islands, he could have been mocked by 10 of his brothers (2 ignored him for 2 years) and told he would never be a king. I mean on youtube search Frozen Hans and look at the comments on the videos. Yet other disney villans do worse and are loved? :roll: Also for the frozen room, I should be good. I am going to make a few actually. For the different scenes.

        • #854279

          If I ever go to Disney Land, I think I would drive my parents CRAZY, because I want to meet all the characters I like and stuff. :lol: LOL Before I look for some art stuff, can I see the room first?~SC

          • #854280

            I’m not listing all the characters I want to meet there because there are WAY too many( I’ve seen and liked a lot of Disney movies since I was little and have TONS of favorite characters from all kinds of different movies ). LOL XD

            • #854333

              XD me to. All though Eyore is gonna be the tricky part. I have a disney game and evry time I pass him it feels like I have to hug him.

          • #854334

            Sure, and XD well I think after the haunted house that will be your punishment. I have never been to disney land, but I have a Xbox 360 disney land adventures game, and my mum says it really looks like disney world.

            • #854494

              I’d rather go on Space Mountain than go in the Haunted House. ;)

            • #854562

              I really want to go and see there haunted house, maybe be scared for life. I don’t know why. Not like it’s a real one.

          • #854492

            :lol: I am ready to drive me mum nuts maybe scream or better yet FAN GIRL I am not like that but in the real disney land it will be better than the game CHARACTER HUGS. I am not sure about brer fox in my game the first time I left what does he say……………… GOOD RIDESENCE. I mean come on, captain hook was nicer and I was dressed in a lost boy costume.

            • #854755

              What are thinking of getting with the free points they’re giving out? I can’t decideā€¦I wish it was enough to get a pet. If it was, I would get an Ice Swan and name her Elsa. :D Or I would get a red velvet deer( I don’t know what I would name her though ). I really wanted the deer until I found out that it’s deluxe only. :(

            • #855535

              I don’t know yet…………………….

      • #854943


        I went to Disneyland two years ago in april with my grandpa

    4. #854156

      By the way, what do you need for your art room? I don’t know what to send. Actually, I just want ideas on what to send, or things to look for.

      • #854244

        Easels, sculptures, anything that kinda just looks like it could have been crafted. But I do not need wall paper or flooring (I created a really cool floor)

    5. #853505

      Hi Snow! :D I’m sorry I didn’t accept your invitations to your pet’s house. :( I really wanted to go, but I was working on my Frozen room and dressing my pet( dressing my pet takes a long time because I have tons of clothes, and finding something takes time. ) I’m ( unless I’m not home ) online around 8:00 PM kinz time during the week days. I can’t wait to see your room, and now my Frozen room is finished. Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

      • #853585

        I really want to creat a frozen room and will eventually, don’t worry now that I know I most likely will be on tonight and watch switched at birth with my mum

        • #853876

          Ok! :D I forgot to put above that the only days I’m not on around that time( 8:30 ) are Friday and Saturday. Friday I’m going to have so much fun because I’m going to the carnival with my mum and sister!!! :mrgreen: I can’t wait!!!

          • #853905

            Which sister would you be in the movie? I think I would probably be Anna. :)

            • #854014

              Elsa, also the teaser trail is great :lol: realates to movie

            • #854154

              I also saw the Frozen teaser trailer when I saw Planes. :) I watched the DVD last week, and when Frozen came on after the first trailer, I was like: IT’S FROZEN *squeals excitedly* AND IT’S OLAF AND SVEN!!! LOL :lol: I couldn’t stop thinking about that scene. XD

            • #854246

              XD sven and Olaf. Also I love it, it looks like an itty bitty unicorn

          • #853987

            Have fun, say hi for me (um :oops: )

        • #854164

          What items do you need?:)

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