What signature pet are you? :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives What signature pet are you? :)

This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #812189

    Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!

    1. #836023


      Black, chinese food, dust collecting (i have a hole box of dust from YEARS of collection, All animals,

      • #836336

        Hi candycane44! :) It’s black and white, the very first signature, and it likes Chinese food too…well ,well ,well! You’re the signature…PANDA!!! :D Have a sweet day!~SC

    2. #835061


      I have the signature endangered red panda and I want the small signature fox\signature english bulldog

    3. #835029

      turquoise tacos fencing (a sword fighting sport) dogs,birds

      • #836337

        Hi meemersandboo! :) I think the signature that matches you the most is the signature polar bear. :D It’s also one of my favorite signatures. Actually, you totally reminded me of the sword fish, but sadly, it’s not a signature. :( If you were any webkinz, though, I believe you would be the sword fish. :) By the way, one of my friends( in real life: not webkinz world ) does fencing and enjoys it a lot…just like you! :) Have a sweet day!~SC

    4. #834082

      OMG me to SC and also when you get sick do you almost always get a soar throat I tend to

    5. #833668

      Hi Snow! I had lots of fun at your house! :D I’m sorry I kept leaving and denying your requests to come over. I really wanted to visit your house, but I was dressing my pet, and trying to find the clothes they are wearing right now in my dock( I have tons of clothes, and finding specific items takes a while. I didn’t want them to come over to your house in pyjamas. XD ). By the way, what’s your favourite curio shop rare theme? I like the neo-gothic and palace princess themes the most. ;) Also, I will be able to come over this Friday! You chose the perfect day and time. Have a sweet day!~SC

      • #834557

        All the rare themes but I love the royal ones the best need to collect the Kings one in honor of the new prince have you seen him also would you call him an average baby. I do my mum says he’s not a normal baby but to me we all have our duty’s as a baby: to annoy our parents or in my case my mum. That to me makes him normal with the exception that everybody is trying to get pictures of him. But you know anyways what do you want on webkinz for Christmas.

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