Wheres January 2014`s deluxe gift box?

Home Forums Questions – Archives Wheres January 2014`s deluxe gift box?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  littleheartbigbark 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #845583

    I am just wondering because i am a deluxe member and i collect clothes that come in the gift boxes! we havent even goten a sneek peek of it!:( GANZ please send the gift boxes! i really want it because i am a big collecter of them! :) if anyone knows what is going on please leave a reply! ;) Thx ;) and thanks for reading a long post :) if u are a deluxe and u havent got ur`s leave a reply;) thx;) ~meemersandboo~

    1. #862388

      I think they’re replacing the boxes with deluxe challenges

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