Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WHO NEEDS OPAL PUP GEMSTER???

This topic contains 68 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  WolfWarrior 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #683426


    4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-21 at 12:20 PM

    it is also known as rose zircon gemster, btw. i will only trade it for diamond piano or another gemster of some sort. so, let me know if you have a diamond piano or another gemster you are willing to trade for it! :) -4pb-

    I need it very bad! Do you need the spooky pup psi? Or the plasma peace sign?:)

    1. #684288

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-11-24 at 02:25 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-23 at 05:43 PM
      DancingEggplant & Bailey101010– update!! I just got the emerald gemster. Bailey, would u take the emerald one for the piano? If so, no need to add. :)

      No sorry. I dont need that one.

      OK, r u maybe willing to add for the rose zircon gemster since this Is a birthstone promo and that is a birthstone psi? Something like just a psi? Maybe a cotton candy closet if u have one? Lmk.

      DancingEggplant– since I now have an extra gemster that u already have (emerald), I guess I will trade with bailey and get the piano. :/ unless u want the emerald one, then I can trade it for the ruby one if u want. Lmk. :)


    2. #684218


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-23 at 05:43 PM

      DancingEggplant & Bailey101010– update!! I just got the emerald gemster. Bailey, would u take the emerald one for the piano? If so, no need to add. :)

      No sorry. I dont need that one.

    3. #684051

      DancingEggplant & Bailey101010– update!! I just got the emerald gemster. Bailey, would u take the emerald one for the piano? If so, no need to add. :)


    4. #684023

      sooo… bailey101010… have an answer yet…?


    5. #683795

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-22 at 09:14 AM

      Bailey– still waiting for a reply lol…. no huge rush though. :)
      DancingEggplant– OK, thx lol! After bailey decides if she/he can add small something, I can decide. ;) either way it would still be hard to decide lol.
      AIW– yep thx! :)
      All– happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! :D

      oh my gosh, you guys… (talking to bailey101010 and DancingEggplant) i was in the trading room and there was someone who wanted my gemster, and had a diamond piano, AND another gemster, AND a birthstone psi i wanted, and all they wanted of mine was my gemster, and nothing else. i wanted to trade something else of mine for one of those items and then trade my gemster with one of you so i would end up with both items i wanted, but they only liked the gemster, and so i kept my gemster and they said “thx alot” probably sarcastically and immediately left the room, and then i was (and still am) sad because if they would have traded one of the items (piano or car) for something else of mine, i could have ended up with either 2 diamond pianos, or 2 gemsters, or a diamond piano AND a gemster, but that didn’t work out too well…. :(

      bailey– ooohhh your probably busy cuz its thanksgiving unless you don’t celebrate thanksgiving. just next time you get on, plmk! ;)


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