Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives WHO NEEDS OPAL PUP GEMSTER???

This topic contains 68 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  WolfWarrior 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #683426


    4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-21 at 12:20 PM

    it is also known as rose zircon gemster, btw. i will only trade it for diamond piano or another gemster of some sort. so, let me know if you have a diamond piano or another gemster you are willing to trade for it! :) -4pb-

    I need it very bad! Do you need the spooky pup psi? Or the plasma peace sign?:)

    1. #684614

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-25 at 12:46 PM

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-24 at 05:18 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-21 at 07:34 PM

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-21 at 06:57 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-21 at 06:32 PM
      4PB- Okay, thanks for understanding. Just didn’t want to seem rude in the process of trying to trade. Hope your trade works out. (:
      DANCINGEGGPLANT- Okay, I don’t currently have any Gemsters for trade, so sorry, however I do have the following-
      Atomic Couch (Promo)
      White Ears
      Elf Shoes
      Seashell Shoes (I know they’re not priceless, just including them LOL)
      I also have Estore PSI if you’re interested. I may have more just LMK if anything interests you off this list, thank you! *AIW

      I do like your White Ears and Wacky Jeans. I would trade the gemster for either one of them. LMK if that would work, or what your suggestions would be! :D

      Hmm, would you consider adding just a bit for either of those? Sorry, not trying to be difficult, just curious. LMK, thank you. (: *AIW

      I probably could! What are you looking for me to add? :)

      Sorry I’ve been absent for a bit. But, hmm, what would you be comfortable adding? I love PSI, and am also interested in other items or small clothing, etc. If that helps a little. PLMK, thanks for being so understanding! *AIW

      Googles Gem Zen Garden
      Bobbin’ Robin Jukebox
      Witch’s Brew Bathtub
      Chic Black Couch
      Paw Print Fireplace
      King of the Jungle Throne
      Rabbit TV
      Ski Lodge Fireplace
      Harvest-Time Hammock

      Shutter Shades
      Magical Forest Top Hat
      Deluxe Sweet Star Hat
      Vampire Costume
      Wooly Galoshes
      Fall Cabbie Hat
      Pink Baby Romper
      Halloween Headpiece
      Turquoise Hoodie, Skirt, and Shoes
      Snowboarding Jacket
      Blue Capri Pants
      Pink and White Polo Tee
      Silver Tiara
      Fairy Princess Ball Gown

      If you don’t like any of those, I have some more clothing and a list of retired exclusives if you’d rather want those. LMK what your ideas are! :D

    2. #684512

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-24 at 05:18 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-21 at 07:34 PM

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-21 at 06:57 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-21 at 06:32 PM
      4PB- Okay, thanks for understanding. Just didn’t want to seem rude in the process of trying to trade. Hope your trade works out. (:
      DANCINGEGGPLANT- Okay, I don’t currently have any Gemsters for trade, so sorry, however I do have the following-
      Atomic Couch (Promo)
      White Ears
      Elf Shoes
      Seashell Shoes (I know they’re not priceless, just including them LOL)
      I also have Estore PSI if you’re interested. I may have more just LMK if anything interests you off this list, thank you! *AIW

      I do like your White Ears and Wacky Jeans. I would trade the gemster for either one of them. LMK if that would work, or what your suggestions would be! :D

      Hmm, would you consider adding just a bit for either of those? Sorry, not trying to be difficult, just curious. LMK, thank you. (: *AIW

      I probably could! What are you looking for me to add? :)

      Sorry I’ve been absent for a bit. But, hmm, what would you be comfortable adding? I love PSI, and am also interested in other items or small clothing, etc. If that helps a little. PLMK, thanks for being so understanding! *AIW

    3. #684303

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-21 at 07:34 PM

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-11-21 at 06:57 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-21 at 06:32 PM
      4PB- Okay, thanks for understanding. Just didn’t want to seem rude in the process of trying to trade. Hope your trade works out. (:
      DANCINGEGGPLANT- Okay, I don’t currently have any Gemsters for trade, so sorry, however I do have the following-
      Atomic Couch (Promo)
      White Ears
      Elf Shoes
      Seashell Shoes (I know they’re not priceless, just including them LOL)
      I also have Estore PSI if you’re interested. I may have more just LMK if anything interests you off this list, thank you! *AIW

      I do like your White Ears and Wacky Jeans. I would trade the gemster for either one of them. LMK if that would work, or what your suggestions would be! :D

      Hmm, would you consider adding just a bit for either of those? Sorry, not trying to be difficult, just curious. LMK, thank you. (: *AIW

      I probably could! What are you looking for me to add? :)

    4. #684300

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-24 at 04:52 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-11-24 at 02:25 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-23 at 05:43 PM
      DancingEggplant & Bailey101010– update!! I just got the emerald gemster. Bailey, would u take the emerald one for the piano? If so, no need to add. :)

      No sorry. I dont need that one.

      OK, r u maybe willing to add for the rose zircon gemster since this Is a birthstone promo and that is a birthstone psi? Something like just a psi? Maybe a cotton candy closet if u have one? Lmk.
      DancingEggplant– since I now have an extra gemster that u already have (emerald), I guess I will trade with bailey and get the piano. :/ unless u want the emerald one, then I can trade it for the ruby one if u want. Lmk. :)

      Hi, Polarbears! Sorry I haven’t replied, I’ve been away for the Thanksgiving holiday! xD

      That’s totally fine, I’ll just hold on to my Ruby Gemster for now. Thanks, and hope you get that Diamond Piano! :D It’s a puurrty PSI!

    5. #684295

      i’m intrested, but not for my diamond piano. do you have something you can add o it?
      like, alot? PLMKSNOL

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