Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

This topic contains 96 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  cutie135 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #777502


    Hey!! I’m back! I’ve decided since it’s summer, I am going to start a trading forum! And I have been collecting priceless and more over time since my old forum, Happy Trading. I have also been collecting birthstone pets and their gemsters with them…..just to give you a clue of what I have in store! I also have been collecting from Webkinz Friends on the iPad too! So tell me what you would like and what you have a you’re set to trade! I will post a trading list in a bit, since it’s sooooo long.

    1. #781231

      do you have any gemsters for trade? here is my list………. Ketchup bottle costume/hat
      Watermelon top and skirt (the estore one from the mystery bag)
      3d glasses
      big black boots
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      spring celebration shoes
      Rockerz punk pants
      Rock and roll jumpsuit top
      Turkey hat
      Cloud adventure hat dress and shoes
      Movie star white dresses
      Sleepwalking hat
      Rocker flower power sandals
      Winged piano
      Gold safe
      Hot air balloon
      Nafaria’s stained glass window
      Marshmallow seeds
      Plumpy’s chair and desk
      Trading card bed
      Fairy high consul thrown
      Strawberry jamming juice box
      2011 tour van

      • #781834


        Hi MNM, I’ll send you a gemster in trade for the watermelon top. I seem to be short one top, guess I accidentally gave it away. LMK or just send. Aquamarine ok? If not I have extra diamond also. DF

        • #782514


          Hey I haven’t seen you in forever..I did see you on Webkinz today though…do you have plumpy? I offer full elephant, santa, pants, orange army and more!

        • #782604

          Dogfish- are you sure? i dont think it is fair for you. i mean a promo just for the shirt??!! do you need anything else? i love the aquamarine because its my well our birthstone and the diamond is also pretty :) surprize me! where would you like me to send the shirt? and are u FR me from the other account? plmk thanks sooooo much!!!

      • #781602


        Hey i am interested in full ketchup…I have melody and full elephant for trade. Everyone-I am looking for cat, den, emo, wacky, witch, white bunny, swim, and sail. Thanks!

        • #782515


          Everyone-I no longer need emo and I don’t have melody anyone (well not extra, but melody and emo aren’t for trade), and now I need plumpy.

      • #782568


        What do you want for you slips?

      • #782567


        Hey what do you want for your slips?

    2. #781224

      oh ok i do not need it i have the sapphire pegasus ~TexasGirl

    3. #781171


      The winged piano is the sapphire pegasus PSI.

    4. #780939

      whats winged piano??? ~Texas Girl

    5. #779618

      ok cancel that i got. ~Texas Girl

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