Wz, Melody, and Elf hat for trade here!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Wz, Melody, and Elf hat for trade here!

This topic contains 32 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  kitkat3133 11 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #735850


    Here is my want list. Vampiress, swirl, plumpy, swim, charm, elf shoes, lily, licorice, over the rainbow slide, cat costume, promo, priceless, hippos shoes. Open to offers.

    1. #736581


      hey santa, how did that account work for you? Do you owe me anything?

    2. #736573


      btw iLoveJesus is my other ganz world account I’m the same person lol

    3. #736478

      Ilovejesus, Woah! Dude! Thats a really big offer….. How much do you need melodie???

      • #736572


        Obviously I need it badly, lol :D and my offer wasnt THAT big, it was ummm elf shoes, promo, and any ONE item from this list: : hippo pants, priceless sombrero, scuba top, new super beds, and estore psi (new pet and birthstone). Do you have melody??

    4. #736337


      oh and in addition to the elf shoes and promo i also have the following to add for melody: hippo pants, priceless sombrero, scuba top, estore psi (new pet and birthstone), neo gothic, and loads of other stuff. PLMK i need melody :)

    5. #736332


      oh and in addition to the elf shoes and promo, I also have hippo pants, priceless sombrero, scuba top, new estore pet psi, estore birthstone psi, and loads of other stuff. PLMK i need melody badly :)

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