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The new Webkinz is nice but I cannot buy. Rooms and pets
To those of you who remember the trading cards , dice kinz, and the trading card in the tournament area can you please bring it back. My mummy put a lot of money in that. Also bring back the care pets thank you once again.
awesome hope they do it dino
i love love this also grapes, oranges, mangos , figs etc
great idea momofredheadboys wish i had thought about it
totally agree
I would like webkinz to have actual roads so we can see our pets drive to different areas. Also since webkinz friends is going can we transfer some of our things from that world and some of the buildings like the grocery store and gym building along with the cafe. Usually see there are not so much clothes for boy pets please make more clothes for boys.Since we have an upstairs and downstair house building can we have steps to go up and down stairs.Thanks Webkinz love playing .
i love that suggestion ellish