Forum Replies Created
Hello Frankie98, I noticed today that your account was no longer deluxe. I had an extra code so I put it on your account. I hope that you dont mind. You have been such a great friend to me; i really appreciate the notes you send; it makes me still feel like I am a part of this community. Love and Hugs Your friend Blurayne.
I have sent you a friend request from blurayne. I would love a couple extra colorful plushies but only if they are truly extras. Frankie has already sent me one of each of them so I have enough to fill up my display case. Thank you for the offer and so happy to have a new Webkinz friend. :) blurayne
Thank you frankie98 for the plushies; I would really appreciate them if you have extras. I think this finally got through to my daughter that she has to take better care of herself. So far she is doing better hopefully she keeps it up. She started getting sick the first of November so it has been several stressful months. Hoping things are going to clam down now for awhile at least. I miss talking to everyone here on the forum. Wish my real life was not so busy; would love to spend more time here and on Webkinz. :) blurayne
Thank you @alucard for the tree! I have been so scatter minded here lately that I have been forgetting all kinds of things. I even forgot the leprechaun hunt and it was easy this year to find him; oh well, at least I got the case. I have been so busy that I have even thought about dropping webkins; but I just cant bring myself to do it. Hope you and your family are well. Thanks again for the tree; I really appreciate it! :) blurayne
Thank you cardmaker22 for the well wishes. It was a very stressful terrifying time for us. She is doing much better now thank goodness. Hope that you and your family are doing well. I am defintely looking forward to spring. :) blurayne
I hate to ask this, but does anyone have an extra Frozen Tree from yesterday’s deluxe day? I totally forgot to sign in and missed it. I have been struggling to stay on top of my Webkinz and I had to drop Next for awhile, hoping to get back to it soon. My oldest daughter has been having health issues, heart failure and stage 4 kidney failure all from unchecked diabetes. She is slowly recovering and is back home and finally back at work, feeling more like herself each day. Still doesnt keep a momma from worrying though. Please let me know what you would like in return for the tree as I would love to make a trade.
Frankie98 you are so welcome to those items; glad that you liked them. Sooners77 and Alphaowlbear happy to hear you have been getting some items from Sombertears that you liked and wanted. This has been a daunting process to get that account cleaned out. Please dont send anything in return. I am not looking for anything right now; just hoping to get that account cleared up in by next month. I have went from 12 accounts down to 4; definitely makes it easier to actually enjoy the game. I miss all my friends here on this forum; I do check in to see what is going on but it has been harder to do recently with the website pulling so slowely. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoys the upcoming wonderful fall season. Your friend blurayne
Hello @lilstinky, I am doing well. Still recovering from my fall in December, but slowly getting back to normal. Hope you are doing well also and enjoying this beautiful time of year. I am finding it harder and harder to keep up with Webkinz these days especially now that more events are happening. Trying to downsize my accounts to just 2 or maybe 3 to give myself more time to enjoy playing again instead of just collecting and storing stuff. ~ blurayne
Hello everyone! I am cleaning out another account. If you would like to receive some random items please send a friend request to: Sombertears. Please don’t send anything back to that account as I am planning on deleting it once it is empty. Your friend blurayne.
Hello @lassok9, I finally found where I had stashed my egg prizes. Sent you the Thorn Plushy, Farm Fresh Sign, and the Potted Spring Sapling. Enjoy! Your friend blurayne
Hello AuntietoEW, Of course I can hold off deleting the Trekkie account. I had not heard of the problems that you have encountered; although I did go through a kinzpost issue with all of my accounts not that long ago. It is exhausting trying to fix it; I think it took me 50 clicks, getting signed out, back in, click again before one of them cleared up. I will plan on deleting Trekkie sometime during the week of the 24th. Let me know if that works for you. Your friend blurayne
Hello everyone, I finally got my Trekkie account cleaned out. I will be deleting it today or tomorrow. Hope that everyone got at least a few items that they liked. It took a lot longer than I was expecting it to take. Please delete Trekkie off of your friends list; I am not sure if it would eventually go away by itself or not. Hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful spring weather. Your friend blurayne.
Hello Alphacat, No hurt feelings here. So glad I was able to send you something that you needed. So far I have been able to keep up with getting the items from Webkinz; it can be quite the scramble sometimes. :) Today is a half day at work so I will be off at 2pm; doing my happy dance. Have a great weekend! Your friend blurayne
Hey Alpha, I sent the chair and stove. Nothing needed in return. Happy to help out. Your friend blurayne
Hey frankie98, You have been in my thoughts a lot here lately. Hope you are doing well. I sent you the Calendar, Stove, and Sofa. I think I have more on your list and will do some rummaging around and see what I can find. Your friend blurayne.