
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: HELP, need help naming my texting puppy #645171


    Elaine, <– I like that name lol, since its mine.
    TTYL ;)
    Brittany <3,

    in reply to: Witch Hat and Cheeseburger Costume for Trade #645162


    jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-07 at 09:19 AM

    DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-06 at 10:44 PM

    jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-06 at 10:27 PM

    DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-08-06 at 08:49 PM
    Jewels- Really?! Awesome!! Would you do the Charm Tiara and two signatures for the hat? :)
    SW- I feel really, really bad, but I think I may take Jewels’ offer on the Witch Hat. Is that okay? D: PLMK, I could send your sister a gift if she wants!

    Depends on the Signature’s you wanted. If you check out the “Trading Sig’s” forum I have a huge list. Pick out a few and we’ll haggle LOL!

    Hey, Jewels! You have like.. Every signature ever, LOL.
    Okay so.. Here’s some of the ones I liked.
    Sly Slide
    Spot of Tea Slide
    Majestic Dog Mansion
    Palatial Platform
    Burrowing Cliff Slide
    Designer Catwalk
    If you don’t think any two of these are fair, I can look at your list again, LMK! :D

    HaHa! You picked all the biggest ones LOL! How about Sly slide and one of these ;
    Nutty Conveyer Belt
    Endangered Island Getaway (swing)
    Big Bark Clock Tower
    Golden Honey Waterfall
    Fortune Tellers Table
    Cool Cat String Swing
    Mountain Climbing Cliff
    Homemade Carrot Juicer
    Frozen Fountain
    Heated Hound Hot Tub
    Mud Wallow Hot Spring
    Here are some Psi’s you might like also ;
    Ice Tower Lookout
    Polk a Dot Piano (E-store)
    Gingerbread Oven (E-store)
    Banana Split Sundae Station
    Puppet Theatre (E-store)
    Wooly Carnival Canon
    Cocoa Basket bed
    Hidden Clover Den (E-store)
    Sweet Sweater Stand
    Lemonade Stand
    Cream Soda Sprinkler
    Roamin thePlains grill
    Daisy Flower bed
    Desert Oasis Pond
    Hibernation Hammock
    Tropical Colors Water Fountain
    Sand Dune Den
    Bagpipers Trampoline
    Ski Lodge Fireplace
    Harvest Time Hammock
    Tall Tree Hideaway
    Ocean Emeralds side tables (x2)
    Lurking Lagoon
    Puppy Picnic Table
    Strawberry Bubblebath
    Day outdoors bathtub
    Cool Breeze Plumage Fan Lounge chair
    Royal guard station
    Carved Gem Fountain
    Tru Luv Wishing well
    Rockerz Bulldog Psi
    VIP Booth
    Bamboo Chute Swing
    Beachside Gazebo (really beautiful)
    Relaxing Rocky Sauna (awesome)
    Prehistoric Pond
    St-Pat’s wishing Bridge
    I could keep going but I’ll stop here. LMK what you like if anything. Thanks,

    If you trade with dancingeggplant can I offer on your mud wallow hot spring, or your polk a dot cow piano? LMK thanks.

    in reply to: Trading orange army :) #643314


    Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 02:51 AM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-08-03 at 05:46 PM

    Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 05:07 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-08-03 at 02:03 PM

    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 12:07 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:55 PM

    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 09:42 PM
    I really ONLY need priceless, thanks for understanding :)

    I have deer ears or pink ears.

    Would you trade both? And do you have anything else thanks!

    I don’t think I would do both considering they are both from 2006 and army is 2007. I also have
    Pink belt,
    Gathered top,
    pixie wings,
    candy top,
    Full baseball outfit,
    Emerald tv,
    Sig beagle psi,
    Sig pomeranian psi,
    blufadoodle psi,
    peace puppy psi,
    samoyed psi, and much much more.

    Candy, I’m interested in your peace puppy psi if Cece doesn’t want it. :)

    I have two of them so you can offer.

    What do you need in that case? Lol :)

    Clothes, psi, anything really.

    in reply to: Trading orange army :) #642793


    Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 05:07 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-08-03 at 02:03 PM

    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 12:07 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:55 PM

    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 09:42 PM
    I really ONLY need priceless, thanks for understanding :)

    I have deer ears or pink ears.

    Would you trade both? And do you have anything else thanks!

    I don’t think I would do both considering they are both from 2006 and army is 2007. I also have
    Pink belt,
    Gathered top,
    pixie wings,
    candy top,
    Full baseball outfit,
    Emerald tv,
    Sig beagle psi,
    Sig pomeranian psi,
    blufadoodle psi,
    peace puppy psi,
    samoyed psi, and much much more.

    Candy, I’m interested in your peace puppy psi if Cece doesn’t want it. :)

    I have two of them so you can offer.

    in reply to: Trading orange army :) #642737


    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 04:13 PM

    Anyone need it???

    Do u not like my offer.

    in reply to: Trading orange army :) #642664


    adama123 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 02:12 PM

    Candy/ if the owner does not want the Pomerania psi, can I offer on it?


    in reply to: Trading orange army :) #642647


    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-03 at 12:07 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:55 PM

    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 09:42 PM
    I really ONLY need priceless, thanks for understanding :)

    I have deer ears or pink ears.

    Would you trade both? And do you have anything else thanks!

    I don’t think I would do both considering they are both from 2006 and army is 2007. I also have
    Pink belt,
    Gathered top,
    pixie wings,
    candy top,
    Full baseball outfit,
    Emerald tv,
    Sig beagle psi,
    Sig pomeranian psi,
    blufadoodle psi,
    peace puppy psi,
    samoyed psi, and much much more.

    in reply to: Looking for Pink Bunny! #642541


    I have pink bunny for trade as well.

    in reply to: Trading orange army :) #642429


    cece945 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 09:42 PM

    I really ONLY need priceless, thanks for understanding :)

    I have deer ears or pink ears.

    in reply to: Looking for swirl plumpy and kinzclothes ~Goldstar #641599


    dollar123 wrote on 2012-08-01 at 06:51 AM

    Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-07-31 at 10:00 PM
    LMK ida you have these! I have orange army and more!

    i have plumpy for a good offer……….i am needing deer ears and white bunny ears…. LMK if you have them……also give me your user….i can add you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi, if you don’t trade with Goldstar then can I offer on plumpy? I have deer ears. I need plumpy for my best friend who joined webkinz recently and I wanted to send her a ‘welcome’ gift.


    AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-01 at 04:01 PM

    adama123 wrote on 2012-08-01 at 03:23 PM
    DQ- just got swirl and army for scuba!! Yay!
    Aqua- thanks for the trade! Also I think it’s bieberstat, not sure though.

    Hey adama! Thanks again for the great trade! By the way, i know ferret said he/she was going on vacation, but do you know when he/she is going to be back by?? Also, is ferret a boy or a girl? It gets awkward saying “he/she” all the time :P

    I don’t mean to cut in but ferret friend is a boy.

    in reply to: Does anyone want Burrowing Cliffside Slide? #640890


    rexrocks wrote on 2012-07-31 at 12:46 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-07-29 at 01:45 PM
    I have the Sig. Ferret PSI for trade. I’m looking for clothes, estore psi, and signature psi.

    i know it’s a lame offer but do you want a seaside sarong?

    I have it sorry.

    in reply to: Does anyone want Burrowing Cliffside Slide? #640423


    Anymore offers?

    in reply to: Does anyone want Burrowing Cliffside Slide? #88325


    <p>I have the Sig. Ferret PSI for trade. I’m looking for clothes, estore psi, and signature psi.

    in reply to: Does anyone want Burrowing Cliffside Slide? #639310


    snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-29 at 02:49 PM

    candypuppy wrote on 2012-07-29 at 02:36 PM
    Thanks for offering, but i’m afraid I don’t really need those items. Someone in the clubhouse just offered me full elf, white ears and army, but sadly my computer died.

    Are you talking to bailey or me? if bailey, do you like any of my items? I will make a list tomorrow….

    Both sorry,