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October 2014 Deluxe Gift Box

26 Responses to October 2014 Deluxe Gift Box
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omg i miss 2014
jeez i remember these.. i played back in 2008 2009
i wish i was a deluxe member
im on 2016 even thou im not a deluxe member
“Looking for some October goodies? Inside this month’s beautifully-wrapped gift box, we’ve given you a delicious Candy Crown, a Neo-Gothic Wardrobe, and a shiny Wish Token. Hope you enjoy these gifts!” (By KitzyKinz)
A Deluxe giftbox is something you receive on the first of every month if you’re a deluxe member.
How do you get one of these?
You can’t get one anymore, but these were given out to Deluxe Members at the beginning of October 2014.
alredy passed but wish to have it.