Secret Santakinz: The Big Reveal!


Polly Panda here. The time has finally come to give our Secret Santakinz gifts to each other! I’ll let everyone tell you what they got, but first, I’d love to give each of you a special snowman ornament I made! I hope you enjoy them!


OK, let’s open our gifts! Cowabelle, you’re first.


Cowabelle: Cute snowman, thanks Polly! Woohoo! I got Dacey’s newest album! I want to dance around with happiness!


Salley Cat: …and I got a gift card to the Bookstore! Awesome, I can’t wait to choose a new book!


Alex Tiger: (awed silence) Th-thanks Secret Santakinz!


Polly Panda: Uh, Alex got a test tube set, everybody! His eyes just got really wide and he’s reading the instructions already. (Psst, nice choice, Roberta!) What did Roberta get?


Roberta: I’m loving this: I got a gift certificate to the Salon! Perfect!


Polly: Cool! And I got…wow, a poster of Dacey! Thanks, Secret Santakinz. I’ll put it up in my locker!


Sparky: I got…a new baseball mitt and batting gloves! Neat!


Salley Cat: Stoogles is away for the holidays so he asked me to open his. And look! A new baseball and baseball bat! Cool! Maybe he and Sparky can play together.


Purr-Cilla: Ooh, I guess I’m last. And I got a HUGE box of chocolates. I guess whoever had me knows me really well, because this is SUCH a perfect gift! But… um, it looks like everyone else is more happy to have given their gifts than to have received them, like Polly with her adorable snowman ornaments. And, of course, I love giving the MOST out of everyone here, so… I’d like to share these chocolates with all of you! Please take one!


Polly: Yum! Thanks Purr-Cilla! That’s so thoughtful of you.


Purr-Cilla: You’re welcome, Polly. And thanks for organizing this Secret Santakinz. You did a really good job, I guess.


Polly: Wow, thanks Purr-Cilla! Well, that’s all for the Kinz’s Secret Santakinz this year. Everyone seems very happy with their gifts. I already can’t wait til next year! Happy holidays!


16 Responses to Secret Santakinz: The Big Reveal!

  1. jellydonut says:

    I’d love to see Stoogles the Googles trying to play baseball xD

  2. me says:


  3. Stealthstorm says:

    Cool! I love things that relate to that…like gift exchanges! I just did a sock exchange this week, and that was pretty fun! :) Everyone wanted the ones I gave! LOL! I can’t believe it is almost Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas, from Stealthstorm >^..^<

  4. #1BrokenstarFan says:

    I’m glad everyone likes their gift.

  5. webkinz user says:

    Secret Santakinz is a great way to do the holidays!!!!!!! I luv doing secret Santakinz:)

  6. >^..^< Catkin says:

    I find it hilarious that the stories featuring Purr-cilla always seem to draw the most comments. I’m glad the Secret Santa exchange was a big success. Merry Christmas to all!

  7. gingerhorsez2 says:

    Looks like everything turned out great! And PurrCilla’s Secret Santakinz is….herself. Yep.

  8. abi1 says:

    Awwww Purr-cilla you were selfish for buying yourself a present,but in the end you shared it with everyone..Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

  9. zeph317 says:

    It went perfectly! Purr-Cilla, even though you probably don’t enjoy giving more than everyone else, you learned from the others and came through. Good for you sharing like that. Merry Christmas to all!

  10. aid6pink says:

    i love secert santas

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