Webkinz Next 101: Gardening

Learn how to grow & harvest fruits and veggies and use them in recipes!



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.



5 Responses to Webkinz Next 101: Gardening

  1. Manuelasparkle says:

    Sally Webkinz, how long will my vegetables grow so that I can harvest them and sell them for kinzcash?

  2. cookie2231949 says:

    I an not on Next and I need some things to finish some quests on several accounts, I need apricot, next candy, and the cactus picture on: ,cookie32114 flsunlvr kitty32114 kivey misty32114 spot32114 sunshine32114 tookbook Thank you so much!

  3. sherryeberhard says:

    How long does it take to grow tomatoes and red bell peppers? Thanks.

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