A Better Way to Recover Your User Name and Password!

If you already have an account have your parent visit the Parent’s Area from the home page and create a Parent’s Account. The parent’s email they use to create their Parent’s Account can also be used to recover your Webkinz World user name and password. Then, if you ever forget your login information, just click the “Forgot Login?” button on the login screen, choose the Parent’s Email option, and then enter the parent’s email they used to create their Parent’s Account. Your user name and a link to reset your password will then be sent to that address and you’ll be back in Webkinz World taking care of your pets in no time!





83 Responses to A Better Way to Recover Your User Name and Password!

  1. ShiningStar13 says:

    YAY! I might finally be able to go on one of my old accounts again!

  2. tinygma says:

    OK this is more complicated than it needs to be. 1st I am the parent this is my account. WHY cant they leace well enough alone instead of changeing things during a challenge.. If they do need to change things change things as we contact them instead of messing up accounts and I hope not freezing thing we use to play . I so hope that doesnt happen. :(

  3. rothschild9 says:

    That’s not that smart, because its probably easier to hack accounts now. . . . . . . . . but, it is helpful!

  4. teddyturner says:

    i love it .

  5. Girlsrule122345 says:

    Thank you I lost my code and forgot my password thank you so much ganz!!! :)

  6. sahm2girls6 says:

    How does this work if I have multiple children but just one email address?

  7. kitkat601 says:

    cool, sounds better than typing in a secret code. thanks for letting us know.

  8. chocolateyummy33 says:

    thats kind of cool but my mom/dad would never mmake an account for that

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