An Important Message Regarding Customer Service

Ganz Studios is currently doing its part to help #flattenthecurve during the COVID-19 outbreak by having our Customer Support team working remotely. 
If you require assistance with your Webkinz account, please email them at: .

For help with your Ganz eStore account, Deluxe Membership or eStore Points purchase, please email: .

Emails are reviewed from Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm EST. Phone support is not available at this time.
If you sent an email within the past 2 weeks, please be patient as they are currently experiencing an extraordinarily high number of requests. They will respond to every request in order as soon as possible.

146 Responses to An Important Message Regarding Customer Service

  1. alucard says:

    Thank you for not only keeping you and your staff safe, but for doing your best to keep us happy and sane! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Don’t forget to pray for our world. God is watching. HE will not fail us. Peace on Earth.

  2. awhite75 says:

    I’ve been sending emails since March 22, have not gotten any responses. My daughter needs her password!

  3. Traveller says:

    Good to know that you are respecting the protocols and staying home, Team Ganz. Stay safe, stay well.

  4. malunatic says:

    This is awesome! Thank you for keeping your employees safe!! Stay safe and healthy :)

  5. pinkiecupcake says:

    Bless you for all of the work you do! Now that everyone is staying indoors, it is more important than ever that things like Webkinz stay up and running. Stay safe!

  6. GramaandPrincess4 says:

    Thank you for letting us know this information and am so glad that you are able to work at home and stay safe. Would not know what to do without Webkinz.

  7. kat6401 says:

    Thank You All, during these trying times! Everyone BE SAFE! LOVE +PEACE

  8. fancyduck58 says:

    Thank you, and please stay safe!

  9. cvasko says:

    thank you for this important update….please stay safe..stay home…wear a mask or make one….stay well…and stay blessed.

  10. Marissa76 says:

    I hope you all are doing well and staying safe! Thank you so much for the work you’ve done for all of us.

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