Changes to Webkinz Newz

You may have noticed some changes in Webkinz Newz recently. These changes have been part of our effort to streamline all of our services, such as moving Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz to the Cloud. Steps like these prevent outages and improve performance, ensuring that the sites stay up no matter what. We are currently working towards bringing GanzWorld back to its roots, focusing on Webkinz Newz, Events and Contests.


One of the recent changes was the removal of the GanzWorld Arcade, a secondary Flash-based game site that generated GanzWorld Reward Moneyz. Most of these games were third-party with no support, and our efforts must be focused on preparing Webkinz World for the future.


We will soon be retiring GanzWorld Rewards, as well. When the exact date is known, we will make a follow-up announcement. We recommend spending your Moneyz at this time.


We thank you for your patience during this process.

252 Responses to Changes to Webkinz Newz

  1. KarenaJ says:

    We came back to Webkinz after a long absence and was thrilled to still be able to gain access to our accounts. We really have enjoyed the Webkinz News daily activities since then and …. Moneyz. It really is so cool to earn the Rewards and be able to buy cool stuff and have it delivered to your Webkinz account and trade with friends (most stuff). We are SO disappointed you are discontinuing it.

  2. cat2f says:

    No! So i noticed a while ago on the ganz rewards you could get a pink queen of hearts be (i think). Where is it?

  3. GramaandPrincess4 says:

    This is so sad to see our reward money stopping and having to cash all of them in. As has been asked by others will you be adding more items for us to buy before this ends? Please let us know. Thank you.

    • megamom12 says:

      I noticed that they did add several items. I’ve already picked up extra slippers and a couple of the duffel bags. I think that I will pick up perhaps one more of the gingerbread grandfather clocks. I love those!

      • GramaandPrincess4 says:

        Thank you megamom12, have to go in and check if there is anything new for me. I like the gingerbread grandfather clocks also, picked up a couple of those.

  4. rilci says:

    i play on webkinz with my 9 grandchildren. with so many things now requiring deluxe or ecoins, it is a shame you are getting rid of ganzworld rewards. we are all very disappointed.

    • dixiecup says:

      They are just getting rid of the moneyz/Rewardz part of it. Other events like the floaties, the Ganzworld Peek-A-Newz gifts and the quizzes will still be here. Same with the name me and Pet of the Month contests. So all we are losing is the earning moneyz fpr extra rewards. I am all for this (when I think about it hard) especially if it means they will be able to keep other parts of Webkinz World running and operating smoothly beyond the Flash Drive obsolescence.

  5. komodrag says:

    Are any more prizes being added before the rewards system ends?

  6. duff428 says:

    So sorry to see this end. Thanks for the fun while it lasted. I was able to “purchase” many nice gifts over the years!

  7. Duckcall says:

    Will you bring back the pick ‘n win questions or is that another change?

  8. mammarella says:

    Is anyone having problems trying to get the rewards items. I can’t seem to purchase any with my rewards Moneyz .

    • DebbieWebbie59 says:

      Sometimes you need to point below the OK Button not hit the OK Button, you will be able to see another OK button below click on the second OK button. That is how it worked for me. Good luck!

  9. CrazyCoolCandy says:

    Please post the official date for the end of Moneyz. I’m planning on getting as many as I can so I can splurge when they’re over and get everything I can.

  10. megamom12 says:

    I am wondering if perhaps there will be a reward system or challenges in game that will reward the prizes that we love so much here. Some of them are seasonal and would easily work as event prizes. I can see them as wheel prizes or even a new category in the W-Shop.

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